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Skyrim - An Idea for a Major Conversion [ Alagaësia ]


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I recolored imperial sword to make its blade look like Riders's sword, if you like it, then hire me ;P



It's not my taste. I know of a Brisingr sword that was made for oblivion (including a flaming one). I loved it, it looked amazing. Would it be possible to convert it for skyrim?




this is the one i mean.


Edited by snakegpeo
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I recolored imperial sword to make its blade look like Riders's sword, if you like it, then hire me ;P



It's not my taste. I know of a Brisingr sword that was made for oblivion (including a flaming one). I loved it, it looked amazing. Would it be possible to convert it for skyrim?




this is the one i mean.


Both look quite nice in my opinion, hopefully the second one can be more refined and detailed with the new creation kit. NikoEnko your 'Zar'roc' looks abit shiny to me...

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I can not convert it(i tried), but i don't know how to edit those files etc. This sword is awesome, but it's custom model, so i am not able to do a such thing ;)

I think for this mod we need someone who would be able to do a thing.


And what do you mean, but "abit shiny"?

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I can not convert it(i tried), but i don't know how to edit those files etc. This sword is awesome, but it's custom model, so i am not able to do a such thing ;)

I think for this mod we need someone who would be able to do a thing.


And what do you mean, but "abit shiny"?

Sorry, i realy like it its just dazzling red, maybe a darker red would do a better job... i know this is a movie replica but the colour is realy nice.

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prepare for the biggest post ever xD


No problems, please message me if there are any important discussions or anything we need to do as I would like to really get involved in this. Whenever you start making the mod inform me and i will do whatever i can to help.


Will do, friend, thanks for the offer :)


What i discovered:

If it comes to Draumr Kopa, we actually can edit Clairvoyance spell a bit.

About Slytha i can say paralysis would fit, if it wouldn't be completly freezing somene, just "making him fall and don't move" but more naturally.

brisingr raudhr - candlelight.

Boetk istalrí - auto exploding fire rune?

Deyja - long range "ghostly look" projectile, nearly invisible, that deals physical damage, able to kill an ordinary man.

Jierda - armor disintegration?

Reisa - telekinesis

Waíse heill - umm, healing?

Spells that makes sword in fire etc. could work as elemental fury.

And Gedwëy ignasia could be some kind of invisible gauntlet, which will just add the sign on your hand ;)


Those are all good ideas and im sure we will utilize those and many more of them :)

Keep raining them ideas down on me!!! :D


I dont think combining words is a good idea. You just have some spells, if you want them to aim up, look up, etc. Note that in the books, eragon just has to say Brisingr, and in his mind, he controls the magic. I just say that brisingr stays Fire breath 3 shout. Personally i have it set up that way, and Istalri Fire breath 1. I use them both very frequently.


As for the dragons, I think it would be best if you could choose from 3 or 4 eggs. Say a brown, green, red and blue dragon for example, and 2 male, 2 female. If it was real, you could also not choose which would come out for you so i think it should be random which egg comes out for you. There should be a script made so you can name your dragon ingame. I like the idea about different swords (small, broad, one h. 2 h.) That is what you request when you get it made.

Also i think since eragon partially forged his own blade, that he got some more instructions from Rhunon and is now able to forge blades himself with brightsteel. Since Rhunon had the oath. Or you go to rhunon because arya unmade the oath with the name of names.


Yeah combining word would be nice but it might be impossible. We will probably add sounds on the magic animations instead of replacing shouts directly, though because in Inheritance, Eragon doesnt breathe fire. Saphira does though so dragons will keep the shouting ability.


Yeah maybe its better to have choices for the dragons. I like your idea so we will give it a try.


As for the way to make the swords, you just closed a gap :P


About Jierda, i think unrelenting force 3 is perfect. I really like the rest of your ideas

Candlelight should be made red then, and it should only go out when you say letta.


Not really. Jierda means "break", so we'll stay with it's meaning.


If editing spells' look can be done by textures, i will do it, when i find candlelight texture and you will say if it is good enough ;)


I doubt its textures. It's probably effects, but we will figure it out


i realized another important issue to do with this mod... how are we going to do the races? im sure people will want to be able to pick their own races for role playing purposes but if we do the races completely to the lore of inheritance elves will overpower most other races.



We also have to think about how we are going to make the dwarf and urgal/kull races as they are included as dragon riders at the end as well.

One idea i do have is that the eldunari grant the elven speed and strength to all races when they become a dragon rider sort of like what they did to eragon during the blood oath celebration (i think thats what it is called). so it also means we are going to have to remove a few races and create a few new ones.


Yeah the idea for the races was to remove some ( such as orks, khajiit, dark/wood/high elves and argonians ) and add a few ( urgals, dwarves and elves). We will have to tweak the muhans too. I though that the Nords would be Men of the North, while Imperials Men of the Shouth. Bretons will be gone and redguards will be renamed as Men of the East or something.


As for the dragon riders, yeah they will gain the abilities of the elves after becoming riders. Common Men NPCs though will stand little chance against Elven NPCs.


I agree, we should have dwarven and Urgals added, and i think a special type of elves as well, because High elves are too tall, and wood elves too short i think. Though i have made two elven characters allready (arya and oromis) for skyrim.


I think there should be more dragon riders in the game, but when you become one, there should be another blood oath celebration and i think it should grant you the speed and stamina of elves. No matter what race. So in the main quest, you are the "chosen one" that you for the first time since eragon and the second time ever, you are granted by the power of dragons. But this time the eldunari do it where ever they are with eragon, because they can see a trouble coming in the future. and because eragon doesn't go back to alagaesia, the new rider (you) will have to fix it.


There will be like 5-10 Dragon Riders by the time the player joins the order. I'll make sure there's at least one from each race ( including Eragon and Murtaugh ).


As for how you gain the power...we will figure that out.


Races can be made like oblivion ones i think.

We can simply edit dremoras and their horns to make urgals, or just add horn hairstyle to orcs, and make their skin dark.

To make dwarves we can just edit nords for example, and change their scale to make them smaller ;)


I also think that there should be NPC Dragon Riders.


Urgals have bigger horns than Dremora so they will have to be made from scratch, I fear. As for the Dwarves, they are sturdier than us so we will have to make that from scratch too. The elves can be tweaked from the already existing races though we would have to add much "beauty" to them.


Orcs wouldnt do for Uragls either since urgals dont have those teeth and arent green.


I love this idea and i want to see it happen. I don't have previous modding experience, but i'm willing to learn and help in any way i can.


About the magic: mana pool could be removed, since magic drains energy (stamina), and the stamina pool could be increased.

When you cast spells, they drain your stamina. if your stamina runs out they start to deplete your health, but health would be more "ineffective" than stamina when casting.


OR: keep mana pool, and use it like extra energy stored in gems.


I'd be glad to receive your help :) and thanks for the interrest


And yes, the magic will draw from stamina till its depleted and then from health!


Actually i think of possibility of completly removing magicka from the game.

Maybe if play with ui, and stats it would be possible to turn it off ;)





I don't know which texture represents the source of the light in that spell, so it was the only thing i was able to do.

If someone know which part is the source of the light ball, i would be thankfull.



We can remove magicka from the game indeed :) Or we could rename it to Energy Bar and have magic draw from there. If it depletes, you die.


yeah i reckon a post-inheritance story would work best as you couldn't start off as a young farm Urgal in carvahall with brom as your father. But a totally new storyline would take longer to create. Maybe your an orphan living in a shanty shack on the plains (miles from anywhere) cared for by an old kind woman. Hidden away if you choose Urgal as your race, Something very bad it happening in Alagaesia. no idea what though. but when your out the old woman dies and you head out to your races' capital city. You arive while people are queing to be tested with the eggs. nobody has been chosen for years so each city has 6 eggs (whichever you choose) one of each gender and 3 colours. you can see the gender and colour for no apparent reason but customization. then you find why the dragons havent been hatching and stuff.

Just an idea.

add me as a friend on this and i can help with ideas and could answer questions about the series as im re-reading all of them after finishing inheritance i was so addicted that i power read it in 2 weeks.


Hahaha. That was a good example xD


I'm not expecting this mod to be a short work . It would take time, but if a lot of people helped it would be done fast.


Im afraid we will have to find a common way for all of the races to start the game. The prisoner thing is a good idea since Bethesda seems to have mastered its use. We could try to use it too.


Yeah I'm re-reading the whole series too :P Finished Eragon in like 4 days. Im at Eldest now.


I recolored imperial sword to make its blade look like Riders's sword, if you like it, then hire me ;P



Thats cool though rider blades tend to be stainless.



This is a good mod. Though it looks too much as a steel greatsword ( i think ). It would be best if we created out own.

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If you think a prisoner start would work better.

Maybe your taken prisoner and you are being taken into farthen dur on a carridge with some others, as you travel through the marketplace Orik aproaches and everyone steps aside to line his path and praise him or something. the guards get you off the carridge and have you stand too. As Orik passed he gets attacked by a member of an oposing clan or a sympathiser of the (forgot thier name) that were bannished. But you take on the attacker with your bare hands (brawl) and give orik and his guards time to arrest him. then Orik asks your name then you create your character.

I have these ideas cos i've being dreeming about this mod since about 2 weeks after the games release when i learnt about the mods.

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