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Need help with dialogue?


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I've been trying to make a custom NPC speak dialogue out loud when you click on them by reusing the vanilla dialogue. I've done this successfully multiple times before with Skyrim's Creation Kit but when I try it with Fallout 4's it doesn't work even though I'm doing everything the same as far as I can tell.


I made a new quest:



Then made a new 'Hello' Topic and filled out the info in the Misc tab:




Then in the folder directory: Sound > Voice > mymodname.esp/mycharacter I placed the copy of the vanilla fuz file into it and renamed it to the name assigned. But when I go in-game and interact with the NPC the subtitles show up but there's no audio or lipsync. I've also tried unpacking the fuz, using the .wav and turned it into a .xwm and created a .lip file with the 32 bit version of CK and it STILL didn't work. I literally have no idea why it isn't working and would appreciate some help, thanks.

Edited by MMan3000
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You haven't placed the .fuz file in the right folder. Look at what the CK says is the full filepath to the dialogue file.

Thank you for the response. I checked and it's definitely in the right folder. I can even preview the sound and listen to the line but when I go in-game it's not working. Can you think of anything else that could be causing this?

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You haven't placed the .fuz file in the right folder. Look at what the CK says is the full filepath to the dialogue file.

Thank you for the response. I checked and it's definitely in the right folder. I can even preview the sound and listen to the line but when I go in-game it's not working. Can you think of anything else that could be causing this?



You used Archive2.exe to unpack the voice files from the .ba2 archives, right? If you didn't, it could be some bizarre file corruption getting in the way.


You are using the .fuz dialogue files, right? You're not unpacking them into .xwm and/or wav? You want to keep it as .fuz.


Try changing the response text, to reflect what is said in the dialogue file.


Try removing the quest conditions, and instead put a voicetype and actor check in the dialogue conditions.

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You used Archive2.exe to unpack the voice files from the .ba2 archives, right? If you didn't, it could be some bizarre file corruption getting in the way.


You are using the .fuz dialogue files, right? You're not unpacking them into .xwm and/or wav? You want to keep it as .fuz.


Try changing the response text, to reflect what is said in the dialogue file.


Try removing the quest conditions, and instead put a voicetype and actor check in the dialogue conditions.


I was actually using a different extractor but I tried Archive2 and your suggestions I haven't done yet and it still hasn't worked unfortunately. This is basically what i got so far:


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Try changing the actor check to look for the base actor record, rather than the actor reference that's placed in a cell.


Or, if that's already the case, switch it around; point the actor check towards the placed actor.

How do I do this? Where is the actor check?

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