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Fallout full mod


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Try going for one of the many AI updates. XFO or something, I haven't bothered with any of those yet BUT it makes the enemy AI that much more deadly. I was watching some video where this guy kept reloading his save because some NCR sniper that he couldn't locate kept taking his head off, and he was using one of those AI updates.
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Yeah, tried that one. However overdoing it breaks the balance in the other direction. Like you said, with somebody shooting you out of nowhere. It's OK when it's a NCR sniper, but it starts happening with random just-spawned raiders. AI also still remains too stupid to prevent taking them out one by one, even when they're practically next to each other.


I actually worked on some fixes myself, and managed to get somewhere by forcibly limiting accuracy. However no solution gets reliable balance like you have in 2D games. Simply put, a game with high-vis 3D engine like FNV requires that engine to have visibility and projectile routines, as well as a more active AI, like you get in Flashpoint and ArmA. It's not fixed by tweaking settings up and down.

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There are scripts that can be applied to actors and events which will up their AI. IT's not like the AI system is completely inflexible. True they're not like ARMA's super high detailed ultrarealistic combat simulation but... well come the hell on man what is? Nothhing... maybe ARMA 2.


But you know what?


Neither was Fallout 2's AI. Comparing Fallout 3's RPG based mechanics to ARMA's combat simulator is completely unfair... and look at it through whatever rose colored lenses you want, the combat in FO1/2 was really not any more or less realistic than Fallout 3.


Minigun to the face. 100 damage. The Mutie still stands and hits you with his fist for critical damage, breaking the neck and killing you dead. At least in Fallout 3 once you tweak a few setting the enemies will try to take cover. True, it's behind an explosive car half the time, but it's better than nothing.


And anyone else who says that the original Fallouts had a more realistic combat system, I have one word to say to you:




Two more words.


F-cking.... Ian....

Edited by Jeoshua
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Neither was Fallout 2's AI. Comparing Fallout 3's RPG based mechanics to ARMA's combat simulator is completely unfair...

True. But I'm talking about balance, not realism.


Fallout 3 and especially Nev Vegas give you all the advantages of a combat simulation game: cover and concealment, iron and telescopic sights, movement-depending spread, lowered shooting position, ammunition selection and one-shot kills.


But where Flashpoint and ArmA give the same advantages to your opponents and provide them with AI suitable for the game, Fallout's engine fails.


Have you seen FNV's NPC being shot at drop down, crawl behind a corner and return fire in short bursts?

Not really - they just run straight ahead through your line of fire, waving their arms around and not hitting jack.

In any environment intended to be realistic, anyone acting like that should go down like a panicked idiot.


FO3 is actually slightly better at this than FNV (both modded), in a few designated areas NPC do take advantage of cover, but, still, most times they don't, or do it completely wrong.



...and look at it through whatever rose colored lenses you want, the combat in FO1/2 was really not any more or less realistic than Fallout 3.

It's less realistic. Much less.

But the difference is, classic Fallout doesn't run on a realistic engine fit for combat simulation, just a basic pen-and-paper calculator on a 2D hexmap. While your opponents are still unable to use the engine to the full (old popping out from behind the corner trick), you don't have anywhere as many tricks at your disposal either.


The result is much less realistic combat, but more realistic combat outcomes. In Fallout classics, there is a lot of NPC you can't take out until you're much stronger and better equipped. Ranging from Aditum guards to Mercenary Raiders. And really just Metzger in Den required a combat character to take out without s/l. Drop these characters and maps into FNV's engine, and Metzger's gang is gone before he can say "-hit".

That will exacerbate FO3's and FNV's problem where the only reason to choose non-violent approaches is for fitting the role or own amusement.


That said, recreating Fallout classics in FNV would still be a great idea. But would it be better than the original games, IDK. I think a lot of what made them so good will be lost in the conversion.

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