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How to display the time a save was made on the save/load screen?


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I'm not really sure how to word the title so that people can understand what I am asking about. I've tried Google searching for this topic and it's nearly impossible because of the wording. I just can't get a search engine to understand what I'm looking for. When I go to load a saved game, the real time that I created that save is not shown on the load screen. I have seen some screenshots from other people that shows the actual time that a save was created. I want this as well. I don't know if the screenshots are from Skyrim or Skyrim SE though. It's possible they are old screenshots from regular Skyrim. I don't remember if it showed the time or not. I also don't know if it requires a mod or if there is some setting somewhere. I'll show a screenshot that may help people understand what I'm looking for.


On the left is what I want to see; on the right is what my game shows.



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I'm sure others with more knowledge will chime in.


What I can suggest is to use the console to make the save and name it what you like. If I remember correctly you:


1 - Open Console

2 - Type save "11/23/2016 1:55 PM"

3 - Hit enter and that save will now appear in your list of saves moving forward.


This is not exactly what you are looking for but this is a way if the date and time are critical to you. Good luck.

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  • 4 years later...

This is EXACTLY what I'm looking for as well. I'm guessing it's a difference between Oldrim and SSE, as I just recently got a new rig and with that upgraded to SSE. I used to see the time as well, and now it's just the date.


Did you ever find a solution?

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