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Alteration grayed out


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Hey everyone, i am having a small problem, which i assume is related to my installed mods. My alteration section in my magic page is grayed out, and there are no spells displayed, but i know i learned some alteration spells. I tried disabling a few mods i found related to magic one by one to see if one of them was blocking it, but i didnt see it. i dont know if i should disable them one by one and and then learn an alteration spell before moving on to the next one, and i was wondering if anyone here could help me.


I know this is asking a lot, and i was really just looking for piece of advice on what i could do to find the problem, how to troubleshoot, really.

Installed Mods (in Load order) (put stars beside the ones i tried removing)

- Sperg

- Skyrim patches

- Moonpath to elsweyr

- Arissa the wandering rogue

- Summon Followers

- SkyUI

- Sperg*

- Sperg DB*

- Sperg DG*

- Skyrim Flora Overhaul (DB)

- Skyrim FLora Overhaul

- Sounds of SKyrim (all 3)

- Revenge of the ennemies

- Immersive creatures

- Elemental Dragons

- Enhanced blood

- Immersive weapons

- Pureweather

- Audio overhaul for skyrim 2


- Bandit patrols

- Immersive patrols

- Lost Grimoire *

- FISS (File access interface for skyrim script

- UI Extensions *

- Grimy utilities *

- Smartcastn *

- Violens

- Ultimate Combat

- Tk Dodge

- CLoaks of Skyrim

- My home is your home

- Imrpoved Artefacts

- Celtic music in skyrim

- Mornfallow Manor





If i add the spell via command, it works, though if someone has an idea as to why spell tomes dont add the spell, would be nice to know since i cant add lost grimoires' spells via command, can i?

Edited by Pirola1
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