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Broken Motion Blur HELP


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Hi all,


There's a strange motion blur when I look around. For example at night the house lights in windows go darker when I'm looking around then when I stop they go lighter.


The light/dark textures is very noticeable on finer detailed objects such as fences and the straw on house roofs.


It's only when my character looks around. moving forward and backwards doesn't effect it. Interestingly in loading screens rotating the objects doesn't cause this blurring.


I've turned off depth of field - no effect

Turned off AA and forced via control panel (Nvidia) - no effect

Downloaded ReShade and ENB - no effect

Added - bUseBlurShader=0 to SkyrimPref folders - no effect

Added - bDoHighDynamicRange=0 - no effect


Can anyone offer some advice please as it's ruining the game for me. I've taken screenshots but it doesn't replicate the effect. It stutters momentarily when taking the shot and this freezing removes the lighting issue.




PS using a Z35 monitor so had to do some tweaking to avoid the physics and other multiple issues from running the game over 60 FPS

Edited by Raggamuffin
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