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:S Entire bow in first person aims left


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It aims and shoots fine from 3rd person. I figure it has to do something with one of the mesh or body mods but im new to them so im not sure yet how to fix this ^^ The game itself is beautiful and plays amazing. Its like a whole new game after i started modding :smile: Any help or tips are welcome! Also Im usin NMM for load order which hasnt failed me so far that i know of :tongue:

Only hearthfire as dlc. Here's the mods i'm using:



Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V6_3 Animation 11/19/2016 5:31:17 AM 11/19/2016 5:20:00 AM 1000209375 V6.3 / 6.3 fore

HDT Bounce and Jiggles CBBE - HDT Bounce and Jiggles 7.7b Required XML Kit Animation 11/19/2016 2:08:52 AM 11/19/2016 1:52:57 AM 1000220248 7.7b / 7.7b Knightmare077

HDT Breast And Butt Physics - TBBP BBP Supported - Loremonger - With collision Animation 11/19/2016 6:23:11 AM 11/19/2016 6:05:18 AM 1000109649 v1.4 / v1.4 threedeedevil sexy idle Animation Animation 11/19/2016 6:23:00 AM 11/19/2016 6:09:28 AM 1000180183 1.1 / 1.1 Kamo1 XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended Animation 11/19/2016 5:30:56 AM 11/19/2016 5:20:16 AM 1000226428 3.91 / 3.91 Groovtama


TCf - Vanilla Skyrim Bodyslided ( UUNP HDT ) - TCf - UUNP HDT Vanilla Armors Armour 11/21/2016 3:24:59 AM 11/21/2016 3:23:23 AM 1000227561 0.2.1 / 0.2.1 TheCoach TCf - Vanilla Skyrim Bodyslided ( UUNP HDT ) - TCFixes UUNP HDT Skyrim Clothes with Bodyslide Armour 11/21/2016 3:27:00 AM 11/21/2016 3:26:14 AM 1000198958 1.0 / 0.2.1 TheCoach


RealVision ENB - Skyrim_Particle_Patch_for_ENB-All-In-One ENB Preset 11/21/2016 1:40:57 AM 11/21/2016 1:21:00 AM 1000152435 1.4 / 279b SkyrimTuner

RealVision ENB - Skyrim_Subsurface_Scattering_Patch_for_ENB ENB Preset 11/21/2016 1:40:30 AM 11/21/2016 1:20:54 AM 1000152436 1.2 / 279b SkyrimTuner

RealVision ENB 279b ENB Preset 11/21/2016 1:39:51 AM 11/21/2016 1:19:18 AM 1000169430 279b / 279b SkyrimTuner


Realistic Ragdolls and Force Gameplay effects and changes 11/19/2016 5:15:38 AM 11/19/2016 5:10:16 AM 1000007570 1.9 / 1.9 dDefinder


NetImmerse Override - NetImmerse Override v3-4-4 Modders resources and tutorials 11/19/2016 5:31:45 AM 11/19/2016 5:19:15 AM 1000180569 3.4.4 / 3.4.4



ALSL Body - CBBE BBP TBBP HDT Bodyslide presets - ALSL Curvy Body TBBP 1_1 Models and textures 11/19/2016 6:16:17 AM 11/19/2016 6:07:15 AM 1000080327 1.1 / 1.2 AlexSlesh

ALSL Body - CBBE BBP TBBP HDT Bodyslide presets - TBBP Skeleton Models and textures 11/19/2016 6:41:34 AM 11/19/2016 6:40:42 AM 1000080169 1.0 / 1.2 AlexSlesh

Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- Models and textures 11/19/2016 2:08:21 AM 11/19/2016 1:39:48 AM 1000170527 3.4f / 3.4f

Caliente Caliente's Vanilla Outfits for CBBE Models and textures 11/21/2016 4:29:35 AM 11/21/2016 4:28:11 AM 1000164617 2.1.1 / 2.1.1

Caliente Detailed Faces v2 - Detailed_Faces-2_00 Models and textures 11/13/2016 2:56:34 AM 11/13/2016 2:49:46 AM 799 2.0 / 2.0

Xenius Immersive Roads - Immersive Roads for ENB main file 1-1 Models and textures 11/21/2016 2:11:04 AM 11/21/2016 2:04:15 AM 1000135301 1.1 / 1.1 32cm

Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD Models and textures 11/21/2016 3:17:21 AM 11/21/2016 3:02:06 AM 1000194206 FINAL / FINAL tony971

RUGNAROK - RUGNAROK - 2K Models and textures 11/21/2016 2:29:55 AM 11/21/2016 2:25:19 AM 1000194673 1.5 / 1.5

Gamwich Ruins Clutter Improved Models and textures 11/21/2016 2:06:22 AM 11/21/2016 2:00:45 AM 1000116761 2.8 / 2.8 RaiserFX

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - COMPLETE FULL Models and textures 11/13/2016 3:06:37 AM 11/13/2016 3:04:56 AM 1000178176 1.7 / 1.7 NebuLa from AHBmods

Static Mesh Improvement Mod Models and textures 11/13/2016 2:56:32 AM 11/13/2016 2:49:40 AM 1000227061 2.03 / 2.03 Brumbek XCE -

Xenius Character Enhancement - XCE-1_13 Models and textures 11/13/2016 2:57:30 AM 11/13/2016 2:47:36 AM 42987 1.13 / 1.13 Xenius


Climates Of Tamriel-V Overhauls 11/21/2016 2:35:43 AM 11/21/2016 2:30:34 AM 1000184098 5.0 / v5.0 JJC71


HDT Physics Extensions - HDT Physics Extensions Patches 11/14/2016 8:00:41 AM 11/19/2016 6:30:37 AM 1000109251 14.28 / 14.28 HydrogensaysHDT HDT Physics Extensions - Just For Fun - JFF Patches 11/19/2016 6:35:56 AM 11/19/2016 6:35:10 AM 1000109240 v4 / 14.28 HydrogensaysHDT


BodySlide and Outfit Studio Utilities 11/19/2016 4:09:25 AM 11/19/2016 4:05:01 AM 1000226530 4.0 / 4.0 Caliente and Ousnius


Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD - Cinematic Fire FX 2 Visuals and graphics 11/21/2016 2:04:48 AM 11/21/2016 1:59:14 AM 1000023875 2.3 / 2.3 Ichibu

Enhanced Blood Textures Visuals and graphics 11/14/2016 8:02:41 AM 11/14/2016 6:34:54 AM 1000182468 3.6c / 3.6c dDefinder

HD Enhanced Terrain - HD Enhanced Terrain PRO - Lush Version Visuals and graphics 11/21/2016 2:04:54 AM 11/21/2016 2:00:02 AM 1000067561 PRO / PRO Hritik Vaishnav -

SkyrimENB Pure Waters - 2_Pure Waters Vanilla 5.0 Visuals and graphics 11/13/2016 2:57:32 AM 11/13/2016 2:42:55 AM 1000129971 5.0 / 5.0 Laast

The Skyrim Distance Overhaul Beta (S.D.O.) Visuals and graphics 11/21/2016 2:18:58 AM 11/21/2016 2:07:11 AM 70551 1.0 / 1.0 Grieche

Edited by xPochi
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yeah... I had this problem just now.. I ugh... I messed my game up trying to fix it...

I had XP32 Skeleton Mod and PlayerHeightAdjustment Mod installed and Im unsure what my first person mod Im using is but I noticed this issue with these mods so.. I thought installing Joy of Perspective would fix it and no... I had two layers of first person bodies and now after uninstalling Player Height and JoP I now have two spikes coming out of my body....

I will note this though, using the Joy of Perspective mod FIXED my bow glitch! Maybe try that out? ( it overwrites any skeleton mods and stuff so wary of that )

Edit; I fixed my First person bug but I have the same glitch again as OP.... x-x

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Thanks for the info Gumii,



Its so strange to me that it shoots and aims perfect from the 3rd person for me though :/ I'm thinking for me its gotta be either XP32 skel or Xenius character enhancements modeling issue. Can anyone can confirm my train of thought? I dont want to disable those and then have a new issue or another issue and have some simple fix in hand lol

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I dunno if you wanna try doing this but... Make a backup of all your current stuff and put it in a backup folder and try installing the "Joy of Perspective" Mod.. It seemed to fix my bow issue but I dont know if its what caused the double body in first person. If it does it to yours then we can confirm that its the XP32 Skeleton mod screwing stuff up.

Apologies for the late response, Ive been busy being an errand boy x-x

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i tried disabling xp32 and it didnt change anything. Im now going through the other mesh and body altering mods. i understand long response times no worries :smile: Ill try dling Joy Pers tonight and see. probably wont post again till late late tonight or tomo. Thanks for getting back though Gumii ^^



Update: Without installing Joy i uninstalled XP32 and rebooted NMM as well as my cpu. BOW FIXED!

Edited by xPochi
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