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My Mod makes the game crash. Why?


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you actually gave 0 info about what happens or what your mod does.....nobody can help you with this info. thanks for the update, still need load order if your using one. most of those are pretty easy on the cpu but i can see it causing issues if even a few of them were out of place. That's why the load order is so important.

Edited by xPochi
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Step one to troubleshooting mod issues; Your load order. Post it,in full,or you'll find no help. Furthermore,give us the name of the offending mod,and a link to it,unless you just brewed it up yourself,then give us a detailed explanation of what it does. What you threw at the forums is quite literally any troubleshooter's worst nightmare.

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Well here's the README file I made while working on this mod. Tried uploading the .esp file but seems like I can't. Sorry for not giving more info from the start :/


First of all, no more permanent 100% spell cost reduction. Enchantments now amplify spell power and potions reduce it's cost.
The following unique items retain their cost reduction effect: Archmage Robes, Nahkriin, Vokun, Armor of the Old Gods, Shrouded Robes, Nightingale Armor, Necromancer's Amulet, Nightweaver's Band. All the rest have the new power boosting effect.
Also, the Fortify School and Magicka Regen enchantment now gives a fixed 40% magicka regeneration when you use it to enchant new armor. Yeah, it can be abused early but it's not that powerful.
Destruction is more viable. The Novice-Master Destruction perks now incease all Destruction spell damage in addtion to lowering magicka cost (less than before).
The Fireball, Ice Storm and Chain Lightning spells are getting a 10% cost reduction. Incinerate, Icy Spear and Thudnerbolt are getting a 25% cost reduction.
The cost to Dual Cast a spell is now down to x2.6 from x2.8. Effectiveness remains at x2.2.
The Impact perk now only has a 40% chance to stagger opponents.
The number of maximum placeable runes is raised to 3 (from 1).
Rune Master distance is now 15 the normal.
The Augmented Flames, Shock and Frost perks affect enchanting in a much lesser way (5/15% from 25/50%). I liked the idea but recognized how overpowered it was.
Finally, the Two-Handed Barbarian perk gets a small boost (25-125% from 20-100%). I find One-Handed with shield or dual-wielding is still stronger, but now it's more of a competition for melee combat.
Dual Savagery bonus now 30% from 50%.
Soul Squeezer perk buffed by 60%.
Soul Siphon value doubled.
Picking locks is slightly harder.
The Golden Touch perk gives more gold.
Enchanted items are two times harder to find. Treasure Hunter now triples the chance to find them.(so it's the same if you have the perk)
Enchanter perk now gives a 20/35/50/65/80% bonus.
Critical skills for melee weapons are now 10/15/20% chance with +20/25/30(24/28/32 for two-handed) times bonus base damage and bows 20/25/30% chance with +12/16/20 times bonus base damage.
Specific weapon type perks now affect two types. Maces have penetration and criticals, axes have penetration and bleeding, swords have bleeding and criticals.
Critical Charge deals 25 times base weapon damage(30 for two-handed).
Bleed buffed and is now the same for all weapon materials. Deals 2/3/4 dps for 6/7/8 seconds (+1 dps at all levels for two-handed).
Swapped Snakeblood and Green Thumb positions.
Snameblood now gives 75% resistance to poison and 25% to disease.
Purity boosts potions and poisons by 10%.
Haggling now 10/20/30%.
Allure = 20%.
Hunter's Discipline inceases arrows gathered to 90% from 66%. (33% without the perk)
Maximum attached arrows increased to 12 from 3.
Attached arrow life time from 10 to 30 seconds.
Recovery perk now gives a 35/70% bonus (from 25/50%).
Light Fingers now at 3 levels with 25/50/75%.
Light Foot also gives a 3% chance of dodging all damage from an attack.
Bosmer Command Animal now lasts 5 minutes.
Bosmer deal +10% damage with bows.
Imperials find even more gold.
Dunmer Ancestor's Wrath now deals 12dps for 25 seconds from 8dps for 60 seconds.
Dunmer also deal 10% more damage with fire spells.
Khajiit have +10% attack speed.
Stealth perk is 10% weaker.
Dark Souls gives 200 bonus health up from 100.
Necromancy now gives triple duration instead of double.
Juggernaut is now 25/50/75/100% from 20/40/60/80/100%.
Well Fitted and Matching Set (heavy) now give 30% each.
Cushioned is now called Mystical Mail and also gives 10% reduced damage from all magic sources.
Fists of Steel now also gives 5% melee weapon damage and 5% additional power attack damage.
Removed Aspect of Terror fire bonus.
The Summoner perk now only has one level and Mystic Binding has two. This is to make bound weapons more viable late game whilst requiring one more perk point.
Elemental potency now enables atronach scaling as well as the initial boost.
Fixed the Restoration glitch.
NAAEM Conj cost reductions are now 50,45,40,35,30.
NAAEM Illu levels increase all illu duration by 4 sec.
Res levels increase ward power by 10,10,10,5/10/15 up to expert.Master makes the Healing spell 5 times as powerful but it costs 4 time the mana.
Alt levels now give 6-30% STA,HEA,MAG regeneration.
Experimenter is now one level and reveales the 3 first effects.
Shield Wall is now two levels at 15/30%.
Shield Charge bug is fixed.(I think)
Edited by astronautis28
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I'm sorry I just don't see how it will help. I've tested the game with just this mod installed + Dawnguard, because that's where my only character is right now and it still crashed. The main time the game seems to crash is when I'm browsing the inventory (maybe even over specific items?), though it's happened at other times as well. Regardless, here's the one I have right now (crashes).


Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
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