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Make ESO Werewolf Healing Skills into Totems: Hircine's Rage and Fortitude


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So for those who haven't played ESO, there's two abilities on it that I think would make a good Totem Mod. (plus Vampire Lords are able to heal themselves, why not werewolves?)


This is a small recording of the sound effect that's used in game: https://youtu.be/VZuxkygIBnk?t=25


Totem of Hircine's Bounty: (Thought this one would be irrelevant with Fortitude and Rage being accessible)

- Invoke the Huntsman's blessing to heal yourself for [x].


Totem of Hircine's Rage:

"Let your crave for power be heard by Lord Hircine. Invoke the Prince of the Hunt to heal you and fortify the damage of your attacks by 30% for 15 seconds."


- Invoke the Huntsman's blessing to heal yourself for [x] and increase your Weapon Damage by 10% for 17 seconds. (maybe increase damage to 30-40%?)
- Increases Weapon Damage for caster.
- Use the Hysteria particle effects when activated?


Totem of Hircine's Fortitude:

"Let your cries of agony be heard by Lord Hircine. Invoke the Prince of the Hunt to heal you and fortify health regeneration by 30% for 30 seconds."


- Invoke the Huntsman's blessing to heal yourself for [x] and an additional [y] over 8 seconds.
- Adds heal over time effect. (30-40% Health Regen?)
- When the howl is played and the ability becomes activated, I think it'd be pretty badass to have the Auriel's Bow explosion strike the player to give that "gift from a god" type of feel: https://youtu.be/vH6iYZg9Gn4?t=23
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