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purple sky


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i know this issue has been brought up too many times but may you guys please help?

so i was playing skyrim and some, not all of my trees were purple, like blocks. i researched it, and i found out that my problem was a tad different beavuse it had no fps drop or CTDs.

and even more wierd is that my fps incrreased. the slight lag experienced right after loading was gone.

i also have the 4gb thing and i believe the trees may be of a result of either my 2k texture mod or the hd flora pack.i was able to run high settings no lag so my computer was plenty capable of running skyrim at a decent level.


My link


My linkonly two types of trees that seem to be purple.

i have:

AMD A8-3500M APU with Radeon HD Graphics


7gb ram

win 7

amd ratheon 6620g(crossfire thing 6750 and 6620 or something)

457.2 gb of free space

i have played skyrim over 10 hrs know without experiencing this problem. if any one can tell me if thoose 2 mods are the cause and why they are.

Edited by themrman
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This is usually caused by running out of video RAM. How much RAM does your dedicated card have? Also, have you tried disabling the on-die graphics for your APU in the BIOS? It may or may not help.
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