Arakandix Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 (edited) I don't know really how to call the problem. But i'll start from the very start, i had ultra moded skyrim 2011 edition with over 400 mods and 254 plugins actived, with enb.I was playing i don't know how on 24fps max with enb like rudy enb or something else, anyway i decided to sacrifice the extreme good look for better performance but with a try to completly delete enb i managed to make my game crash at launching, i get the idea that's probably becouse some of my mods are made speciality made for enb(version for enb users/versions for not enb users) so i was looking for most cheap enb preset i could find, i found one i was able to get 40-50fps. But one day(that day was 2 days ago) i though about completly reinstall Skyrim without any enb and enb required mods. I have a very well catagorized skyrim downloaded mods directory so after deleted skyrim and all folders with mods, cleaning nexus from skyrim traces, basicly removing it completly(it wasnt the first time i did that) I started to download skyrim sice i lost somewhere a dvd. I downloaded the game launched it, made a progress in tutorial to leave cave, saved and started to beging mod skyrim. And there is where the problems starts. First time i installed graphic mods Tamriel Reloaded, and all TR mods. Then some weapon and armor retextures, lights, fire effects tipical good look stuff.after installed these game launched normally. but when i tried to install mods that actually making change to the game the game started to acting weird, like always if something had conflict you see bethesda logo and then crash this time i just saw black screen for over 2min. and don't even get bethesda logo to watch. I had to kill skyrim by task manager. I get really pissed and i was forced to reinstall skyrim again since loot shows no confict files and disabling all plugins with masterfiles left doesnt get any results. I did the same clean stuff again launch disc defrag and begun installing mods again, ofc after loading clean save from last session i made to not passing tutorial again. After few tries i get that mods that not really require any other mods to work like Alternative start, auto ammo unequip, ordinator perks, ulimited rings making my game not even launching... Same situation Black Screen, no bethesda logo no mods conficts. Launching basic not skse skyrim doesnt help at all, after i choose which version i wanna use(im Polish so i have version with polish dialogue or with just subtitles(which i always choose subtiltes due to mods that have english version only)) and after that standard skyrim launcher get frozen(this normal one when you have Play/options/data files/etc.) eventually it's unfrozen but even when i press play same stuff happens like with skse. Basicly i have no idea what's going on i never had any problem like that before im using Windows 7 proffesional(legally edition) and skyrim steam version like i said before. I have installed Skyrim SE edition as well with few mods and clean fallout 4. I have A dragon ball xenoverse from steam share library(saying that just in case becouse my friend has both skyrim and skyrim SE too, and i had really anoying problem with free ESO weekend since i had downloaded the game before from my friend library, and playing that in the free weekend was really pain in the ass(i had to create new steam account to play eso, since downloading it durning free weekend always registered the game as my frined library) I know that's a long story to read but it's the only way to explain it with details, since it's a weird problem. I know there might be a grammar mistakes but please try to help me Skyrim is my #1 game which i absolutly love to play and im really anoyed by this problem. If you need any more info i'll try to provide it.EDIT: Something weird happen! I did completly accidentally(like why not) downloaded newest version of LOOT durning sorting Fallout 4 plugins. New LOOT version had Skyrim SE option so i just curiously checked if that changed anything just after created master files of all games i own. And somehow mods that doesnt worked before now launching with game normally. I'll keep inform about that. EDIT 2: It's Working now... Seems like problem fix itself somehow i wonder if this really was outdate LOOT fault?? Edited November 24, 2016 by Arakandix Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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