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Any musicians out there?


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Well music is my life other than video games. I have played guitar for 4 years and i'm in advanced jhs orchestra and play bass. I plan on gettining a job in music, no matter if its a punk label or an orchestra. Anyone else on the forums a musician?


(sorry if i hsave typos, i have a hangnail and i cant type)

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I've played the cello for 7 and a bit years now, started in Year 4 as part of my school's music program and still going strong through high school. I'm in an orchestra and a trio/ quartet depending on whether we get a pianist. Music for me is really just a hobby, rather than a coureer path, but I enjoy playing and learning new pieces, and meeting people in the orchestras I've played in.




EDIT: Finally! I've posted after someone with the rap sig. Therefore I offer this message: read mine. :P

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Hello there! I play the accordion, and have been playing for seven months. I plan to learn the violin and electric bass as well. I'm in my youth group's worship band, and I am currently learning "When I'm 64", by the Beatles. I just finished learning "Yellow Submarine".
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EDIT: Finally! I've posted after someone with the rap sig. Therefore I offer this message: read mine. :P

"Hydrogen and stupidity are infinite, although I'm not so sure about hydrogen."

That quote was said my Albert Einstein, not you. Therefore, you must say so, or it's plagiarism.


I don't play music. I did play the trombone for four years, but high school doesn't require band class, so I dropped it. :D

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Point taken Ninja Lord, but in my defence a friend told it to me and I liked it, I didn't intentionally plagiarise it, I was just too lazy to google it, which is probably worse. I'll get to fixing it.
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