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Using spell effects for other purposes.


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First off, I am new to modding. So I wanted to make a spell to start out. I have already hit a road block. My idea is to create a channel/concentration spell version of flame cloak. But the effect i need isn't available in concentration effects menu. Does anyone know a way to add an effect to a different category? Or maybe a way around this?



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You need to create your own Flame Cloak Magic Effect. You can start by duplicating the vanilla Fire-and-Forget one (right-click on it and select Duplicate), then open your duplicate and change the casting type to Concentration. Change the name of the Magic Effect (for organization), then click OK. Go back to your Spell and add your new Concentration Flame Cloak Magic Effect.


(I hope I understood your question and that my answer is understandable. xD)

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