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I'm trying to find a mod


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a couple weeks back i had to reinstall windows and i lost my mods most i got back but there was one that was totally awesome. and i can even remember the name of it dammit........ i first found it on one of the YouTube mod videos. lol i even commented ( under the name spaced_monkey) how over powered it was because with its advanced settings on you had no limit to where you could build or scrap to all you had to do was start at a settlement's work station and you could build allover the map. it was great for getting rid of the items that were just outside the settlement, like fences and if i need e a little room to finish something it was also great for that. What made it even better was that you didn't need to us cheat engine or exit the program or download more then one mod. if the mod author sees this or someone whom has this mod and knows its name that would be much appreciated.



It was spring cleaning i was looking for i guess with my head up my ass i couldn't read the options properly.

its the int option that lest you scrap and build outside the build area.

Edited by ronbender378
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