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The cyrodillic quest


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before i start plz excuse my bad english it dosnt get as much use as it should


this roleplay will take place in cyrodil and the time will be the same as in oblivion (the start of the oblivion crisis)


new charactars shall be added in this format



Araleth Stillwater



Is very good at most kinds of magic



She dont know how to swing a sword and dont knw the difference of a bow and a stick and she have a bit of a wicked mind


and now alow me to start the story ;D


End of OOC


Araleth Walked around her room in the mages guild in chorrol she looked out of the her window and saw a notice on the wall on the other side of the road "adventures seeked for a dangerus mission meet me at the inn"


and she then thought that might be fun or atleast funnier than to sit over theese dusty tomes so she hurried to the inn and saw a man sitting in a cornor and asked him if he knew who sat op the poster "yes it was me if u are inrested plz wait a bit for some more to come as you will need help in this task"




when u intruduce your character just make them a little intro that ends with them walking into the tavren and seing the man and me and trada ure in the story :D

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NAME: Shagran gro-Kharbuk




AGE: 45


PROFESSION: Veteran adventure and sometimes mercenary


APPEARANCE: Unlike most Orcs that wear their hair in weird and unusual styles, Shagarn's dark brown hair is full on his head and short-cropped. He has gold, beady eyes and a broad, semi-flat nose. His mouth is a bit smaller and his teeth are slightly less menacing than those of most Orcs.


EQUIPMENT: Shagran's pride and joy is his cuirass and sword. He found his Ayleid cuirass and longsword while exploring one of his first dungeons, the Ayleid ruin of Hrotanda Vale near Chorrol, in his early twenties. The cuirass was originally a shiny yellow, but Shagran painted it an assortment of dull browns and greens to make it less conspicuous. He also made a custom dark-colored sheath for the elven sword, whose hilt he also camouflaged. The rest of his armor consists of hard, laminated leather. His boots sport thin steel toes and his greaves are filigreed with thin strips of glass that he was able to salvage from a much wealthier/luckier adventurer's corpse inside an old, deep cave in western Colovia. He also keeps two steel daggers and an iron file in reserve for backup weapons and general purpose use. He also carries an oaken recurve bow and an assortment of self-made arrows. He keeps a needle and thread and a small hammer on hand for mending his armor and weapons. Lastly, he is never without a few vials of healing potions and poison antidotes.


PERSONALITY: Like most Orcs, Shagarn did not enjoy a full formal education like his human and elven peers, but like a few of his Orcish contemporaries, he displays a certain, keen intelligence based on resourcefulness and "thinking on one's feet". These qualities have been groomed and tested plentifully during his two and a half decades of being out in the wilds most of the time. When he is in towns and around people, he is cordial and friendly and, contrary to most Orcs, enjoys a cool temper. Although not usually one for books, he does occasionally enjoy reading ever now and then. His disdain for open and unnecessary conflict also endears him to most people who are around him. He has few friends, however, due to his naturally suspicious and distrustful nature. He is trustworthy himself, however.


HISTORY: Born and raised as the son of two smiths in the old Colovian Highland town of Chorrol, Shagran was introduced to the concepts of metalwork and leatherwork at a very early age. His father, Ogbarn, specialized in heavy materials such as iron and steel, and was responsible for churning out most of the swords, axes, maces, heavy armor suits, arrowheads, and general purpose cutlery for their area of town. Shagran's mother, Ruzbom, likewise supplied their part of town with her leather and animal skin armors along with bows and arrow shafts for the hunters. Not being very wealthy, Shagran's parents couldn't give him much of a formal education, but he spent his childhood years learning the art of blacksmithing. Around age ten, Shagran began taking great interest in the outdoors and he spent increasingly lengthy periods of every day beyond Chorrol's walls, romping in the woodlands around the towns perimeter. Before long, he was able to make a decent wage by locating ingredients for the local alchemists, eventually even those of the resident Mages Guild hall. His parents, although quiet townfolk themselves, noticed their son's blossoming interest with adventuring and his father Ogbarn managed to persuade an old friend and member of the Chorrol guard, Intepus Marrania, to train him in the art of fighting. Although most Orcs prefer axes both small and large to swords, Shagran was drawn to the fighting style used with sword blades. On his fifteenth birthday, his mother presented him with the full-size oaken recurve bow that he still uses to this day. He spent the next few years still wandering the wilds outside Chorrol and learning tricks and tips from other adventurers before venturing out himself when he was twenty. The rest is, as they say, history.


TRAVELS: Shagran's been all over the province, from Chorrol in the west to Cheydinhall in the east, from Leyawiin in the south to Bruma in the east. He knows all the tiny settlements and farms like Bleaker's Way in the Great Forest and Blankenmarch situated on Blackwood's northern fringe.



Shagran gro-Kharbuk - The Streets of Chorrol



It felt nice to be in Chorrol again after several years abroad. He had just arrived from way down in the depths of Blackwood. He studied the shops and houses, some still bearing the same appearances, and in some cases the same owners, that they had thirty years ago. It seemed just as friendly as he remembered too; even the gate guard The sky was cloudless and the westward sun was shining brilliantly, tinting the morningtime scene in gentle shades of gold. Shagran inhaled deeply as he walked his hometown's ancient cobblestone streets. It still seemed like it was only yesterday that he had left it to begin his life as an adventurer.


Since he had come in through the southern gate Shagran figured he would begin his return visit to Chorrol by stopping at the Grey Mare and sharing some stories with the other adventurers there. In no time, he found himself in front of the Oak and Crosier. He wondered if that Talasma girl was still behind the counter. He slowly opened the door and the noises of clinking tankards, scraping utensils, heavy footsteps, and drunken chatter filled his ears. As he stepped inside, he heard a familiar feminine Khajiiti voice call out.


"Shagran! You're here!" called out the voice.


Shagran looked over and saw Ms. Talasma beaming at him as she rounded the bar and came over to hug him.


"Oof, I can't believe you're back in this inn!" She said as she wrapped her arms around him.


"Hey there, Talasma. It's good to finally be back in my hometown." He said, returning her embrace.


"I'll bet it is! So...is there anything I can getcha?" She said as she pulled away and returned to the counter.


"No thanks, not right now. I'm just here to share stories for now." Shagran replied.


Shagran walked up to a man seated at a small table against one of the walls. He was garbed in leather and had a fairly long blade at his side. Since he himself was dressed in his adventurer's wardrobe, Shagran figured the introductions would pass quickly.


"Hey there, I'm Shagran. Shagran gro-Kharbuk." He said as he extended his hand.


The man looked up from his mug. He was older, maybe forty or fifty, but still in great shape as demanded by his lifestyle. He had sandy blonde hair which sat on top of a broad forehead. He had wild, bright blue eyes and a long, slender nose. His small, drawn lips rested above a great, wide chin. He had slight cheekbones and a large jaw. He simply returned Shagran's gaze, grinned mildly, and shook the Orc's hand.


"Robbac Kasmirch. Nice ta meetcha." He replied.


Shagran slid into a chair across from Robbac and after they finished their hellos, the pair settled into storytelling moods.


Robbac began. "'Bout ten years ago, I was way down yonder in the Gold Coast a ways north of Anvil in this old ruined fort. Sutch, I think was the name. Wasn't much in most of the place...just the usual wild animals that wander into places like that. I did, however, run into a few skeletons in one of the deeper chambers. I guess the place used to be some necromancer's den, I dunno. Anyway, on one of 'em, I found this blade I've got strapped to my waist right here. It's some type of Dwarven deal...probably from another looter who got 'imself killed in there."


Shagran returned the favor by partly brandishing his own sword and recounting the time he ran across it. "Twenty years ago when I was still fairly new to thee whole adventuring deal, I ran across this sword right here. I found it in an Ayleid ruin called Hrotanda Vale just north of this town. You may have heard of it?"


"I have." Robbac said.


Shagran continued. "Well, that ruin was chock full of eerie things when I decided to delve in there. Met a few rats and a couple of wolves early on, but they soon gave way to skeletons and zombies...even ran across a ghost. I was lucky I'd fashioned a few silver arrowheads just the day before."


Robbac raised one of his eyebrows as he finished a sip. "You made 'em yourself?"


Shagran grinned slightly. "Yeah. The day before, I'd come across an old campsite, probably made by some outlaws or some such. In one of the tents, I found a silver cup half-buried in the dirt. It was getting close to dark at that time, so I took it with me and set up my own camp a ways away from that one. I whittled a few sticks down and cut some shards from the cup and ground them down into arrowheads before I went to sleep."


"Smart." Robbac complimented.


"Thanks." Shagran said before resuming." "Well anyway, after the run-in with the ghost and a scuffle with a couple more zombies, I came into this one room where some guy's body slumped over a big chunk of rock. Next to him was this elven chestplate you see right here and this blade. I'm guessing he had tried to loot them from the place himself since he had his own armor suit and blade with him already. I sold a few valuables and trinkets I found in the ruins, but kept those since they were a whole lot better than the leather and steel I was using then. The cuirass was a really lucky break since he was around my size. Had to make a few tweaks to it, but it fits just fine now."


The two shared a few more stories before Rabbac left to retire to a room he'd rented for the night. Shagran leaned back in his seat and noticed a young woman seated with an elderly man across the room. Oddly enough, the man was staring at him.

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NAME: Lysistrata


RACE: Human


AGE: 24


PROFESSION: Master thief


APPEARANCE: A thin, tall and beautiful woman, she has a distinct and beautiful face, she has amber eyes. She wears her hair atop her head in an elegant updo, She has a distrinct bone structure, which makes her look elegant and refined.


EQUIPMENT: As a Nightingale, she possesses a full set of Nightingale armor, black light armor made from a tight but extremely flexible material, the Nightingale symbol adorns the chestpiece, and a long cape hangs from her shoulders, a pair of fingerless gloves made from the same strange material, and a pair of light boots, which make her movement silent. Her hood conceals her face, and casts a black shadow across her face, the only part visible is the mask which conceals her mouth and nose, and the faint glow of her eyes. Her weapon is the Nightingale blade, a long sword with the nightingale symbol just above the hilt, she also carries the Nightingale bow. But the weapons she uses are a blade called Chillrend, which is a blue glass blade which does frost damage, and in her other hand she wields Red eagle's bane, an enchanted ancient nordic blade, which burns it's foes.


PERSONALITY: Lysistrata is known for having an uninterested attitude for most things, she rarely is exited and even less likely to laugh, she is cold and calculating, with an intelligent and well educated mind. She can be cruel and harsh, but kind and caring, she is just not one to show emotions.


HISTORY: Born into a wealthy family in the countryside of cyrodiil, she was educated by the best tutors, and lived a life of luxury. But when she grew up she felt trapped by her constricting life, so she left home as soon as she was old enough, she ventured to Skyrim and trained as a thief, perfecting her gymnastic and acrobatic skills, she soon showed great promise in stealth, and archery, as well as bladed combat. After a few years she was high within the guild, nearly a master of the art, she was inducted into the Nightingales after discovering them in Skyrim, she has worked as a master thief, using her abilities to steal things of great value, for wealthy clients. She came back to cyrodiil for freelance work.


It felt strange to be back in this town, chorrol. She silently prowled the streets, watching people, sizing up potential marks, after she had stolen a small fortune from the safes of the shopkeepers, she walked into the inn. She looked around and saw the young woman and the man seated at the table, she also caught a glimpse of the orc. She walked closer to see what was going on.

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Lysistrata sat down and looked at the man, she said to him "So... what is this all about?"



Well im gathering a band of adventurs and u look able bodied so i would like to ask u to join our little mission

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Shagran gro-Kharbuk - Chorrol, The Oak and Crosier


Shagran watched as the old man retreated his gaze and turned to the woman. The pair began conversing about something. Shagran figured it was just another storytelling session with an old pro recounting some of his tales to a younger, more inexperienced adventurer and headed over. He took a seat at the table beside the duo and patiently waited for them to finish.

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Name: Archie Seville


Race: Imperial


Age: 27


Profession: (Ex)Imperial Legion Tactician


APPEARANCE: Archie Seville is a tall, thin man at about 6' 6". He has medium length, messy black hair and sharp brown eyes, fitting for a calculating tactician.


EQUIPMENT: As a former tactician and officer, Archie never wore anything more than light armor or no armor at all. After leaving the Imperial Legion, he has taken to wearing a dark, navy blue robe top with golden embroidery at the edges of the cloth. In contrast to his conspicuous shirt, he wears a simple pair of dark grey pants. Around his pants, he wears a thick leather belt that holsters many small pouches and containers. Slung over his shoulder is a worn leather knapsack, containing various survival equipment and various odds and ends. When it comes down to weapons, Archie always carries a smallsword(An improvement over the rapier), its steel hilt inlaid with gold and a small sapphire at the pommel. The hilt guard is detailed with intricate metalwork. The blade itself is made of a silver and steel alloy, allowing the advantage of being durable and effective against ungodly entities. His pride and joy, he keeps it on his right side in a laminated leather sheath, bound with steel. In addition to his smallsword, he carries a steel dirk.


PERSONALITY: Archie is cool and calculating befitting of his occupation. He is, however, very sarcastic and can sometimes be downright annoying. Despite this, he is an easy person to get along with.


HISTORY: Born to a noble Imperial house, Archie graduated from a military academy as an officer and tactician, a tradition of the family. As a tactician, he helped plan several battles against Cyrodill's enemies. As an officer and noble, he possessed a small estate East of Anvil. When he was 26, he got into a dispute with an superior officer, and was discharged from the Legion. Fortunately, his post had provided him with an ample sum of gold, and was set for quiet some time. With nothing to do, he set out to adventuring.




Archie Seville walked down the stairs of the Oak and Crosier, yawning. Having just woken up, he was still groggy. Walking past Talasma at the bar counter, he ordered a mug of cider with a wave before sitting down at a table at the edge of the inn. He closed his eyes, hoping to catch just a bit more of sleep before he set off.

Before long, a conversation to the table next to him caught his attention. Archie opened one eye as he continued to listen to the conversation, putting his hand to his chin as he sized the group up.

The conversation piquing his interest, Archie turned in his chair and directly looked at them, making it known he was interested.

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Name: Archie Seville


Race: Imperial


Age: 27


Profession: (Ex)Imperial Legion Tactician


APPEARANCE: Archie Seville is a tall, thin man at about 6' 6". He has medium length, messy black hair and sharp brown eyes, fitting for a calculating tactician.


EQUIPMENT: As a former tactician and officer, Archie never wore anything more than light armor or no armor at all. After leaving the Imperial Legion, he has taken to wearing a dark, navy blue robe top with golden embroidery at the edges of the cloth. In contrast to his conspicuous shirt, he wears a simple pair of dark grey pants. Around his pants, he wears a thick leather belt that holsters many small pouches and containers. Slung over his shoulder is a worn leather knapsack, containing various survival equipment and various odds and ends. When it comes down to weapons, Archie always carries a smallsword(An improvement over the rapier), its steel hilt inlaid with gold and a small sapphire at the pommel. The hilt guard is detailed with intricate metalwork. The blade itself is made of a silver and steel alloy, allowing the advantage of being durable and effective against ungodly entities. His pride and joy, he keeps it on his right side in a laminated leather sheath, bound with steel. In addition to his smallsword, he carries a steel dirk.


PERSONALITY: Archie is cool and calculating befitting of his occupation. He is, however, very sarcastic and can sometimes be downright annoying. Despite this, he is an easy person to get along with.


HISTORY: Born to a noble Imperial house, Archie graduated from a military academy as an officer and tactician, a tradition of the family. As a tactician, he helped plan several battles against Cyrodill's enemies. As an officer and noble, he possessed a small estate East of Anvil. When he was 26, he got into a dispute with an superior officer, and was discharged from the Legion. Fortunately, his post had provided him with an ample sum of gold, and was set for quiet some time. With nothing to do, he set out to adventuring.




Archie Seville walked down the stairs of the Oak and Crosier, yawning. Having just woken up, he was still groggy. Walking past Talasma at the bar counter, he ordered a mug of cider with a wave before sitting down at a table at the edge of the inn. He closed his eyes, hoping to catch just a bit more of sleep before he set off.

Before long, a conversation to the table next to him caught his attention. Archie opened one eye as he continued to listen to the conversation, putting his hand to his chin as he sized the group up.

The conversation piquing his interest, Archie turned in his chair and directly looked at them, making it known he was interested.



"oh offcourse the pay is good"

she turned to the imperial "your an adventure too?"

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