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[LE] Cell doesn´t look like it´s supposed to


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I have a rather strange problem, I created a cell in the creation kit, no problems there. That´s how the room should look like.




But as soon as i get ingame, the whole southern walls are cramped up in the middle and a new lava mesh spawns in the middle.




I have no clue how something like this can happen. Furthermore, another cell has since the same time a similar problem, two mountains are deplaced ingame. The other cells I've inspected are fine.


How can I solve this issue? I already tried to delete this cell and build a new one, with the same assets - and same problem.

Edited by Shurugar
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It seems I "solved" the problem by taking a save file from the mod (made already like 10 of them) and transferring the differences except the two buggy cells. Then I created a new cell, same layout and things, and it works. (for now atleast)


Thing is, the only reason I could come up with why the cells were buggy is a dragon I tried to implement at the same time, which turned out completly broken (It was like one giant meatball, trembling on every corner) but I've deleted him, and everything that I've created alongside him.


So my succession question would be, can one object f*#@ up an entire esp permanently, or at least parts of it? Even If one removes all parts of it?

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