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Huge FPS Drop after configuring non-standard character in Race Menu


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I've been trying to set up my modded Skyrim for a few weeks now. I have Race Menu and Alternate Start installed, and I have tended to fly through the Race Menu screen simply accepting the default build. When this gets me to the dungeon, I have pretty good FPS (40+). I choose my life, sleep, wake up somewhere and I average at least 30+ FPS.


However, when I thought everything was good to go, I started a new game and actually configured a character in depth first the first time (a Dark Elf, changing his skin colour, eyes, jaw, cheeks, hair colour and giving him war paint) on the Race Menu. As soon as I accept the character's looks, the FPS plummets to 1-5 FPS on the naming screen, and never improves.


Any thoughts on what is causing this slowdown? I assume it is a character configuration mod, but I'm unsure which one, and if the issue is a conflict or if my laptop simply can't handle it.


My laptop build is:

Intel Core i7-4720HQ @2.60 Ghz


Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M


My Mod Organiser Plugin details are attached.

Edited by amartin903
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Some further information. The slowdown occurs if I make any changes whatsoever to the base Nord character, even if I change something to one option, then change it back.


Base character acceptance = 40+ FPS.

Any chances whatsoever to base character = 1-5 FPS.

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Even further information - issue actually doesn't appear to be linked to the configuration of a character at all, but the name of them. No matter how I configure a character, if I use the default "Prisoner" name I get no slowdown. If I change it, I get the FPS drop. Really baffled by that! Any thoughts?

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Problem appears to be solved, from this Forum post: http://forum.step-project.com/topic/9361-dyndolod-causes-severe-fps-drop-after-character-creation/


In essence, my character's name began with a "B", so I was using Shift + B to make it capital. Doing this apparently activates Brute Force for ENB which is mapped to Shift + B. Brute Force enables very high quality for effects and advanced algorithms, at huge performance cost.


The solution was to simply enter my name, accept the performance hit, then accept my character and hit Shift + B again to disable Brute Force. FPS jumped up immediately.

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