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Oh, that neighbor


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@ zegh8578 ... Oh wow you have had and still have some really crazy neighbors ... my property spans two streets and the guys in the street behind are dead quiet and so to the guys in the front.

The most is greeting one another at my main gate or a brief hello at the local strip mall up the road, and that's it.


However, when I moved out of my parents home and got my first flat, that was another story ... my neighbors on my right were "ladies of the night" and day, as a matter of fact I lived on the worst floorin the entire


I had the junkies - who constantly fought - living at the end of the passage by the fire escape, they never bathed their kids who constantly had something smeared on their faces ... jam or peanut butter or marmite or

something but they were always dirty and crying.

The next two flats on my right were the sex workers who were constantly partying and blasting their music until late in the night ...

Sometimes after a wild evening I'd get a knock on my door and it would be one of them all bleary eyed and totally sozzled ... I'd let her in and she'd bawl her eyes out about her kid living at her parents and how

screwed up her life was and how she was going to change and get her kid back.


But you know the story, she never did change and unfortunately oneday she contracted HIV and that was it for her.

And then it was me and on my left was the old gay guy who sold pot and had a steady stream of visitors and parties.

Everytime i came home I'd bump into the security guard of the building - his middleman or runner - who would be at his door picking up a couple of "pokes" or "arms" for the restless students waiting downstairs.

After being hit on once too many times i confronted the old guy who surprisingly apologised and told me that he would no longer have "visitors" between 4 to 5 PM.


I endured that for two years before moving in with my untidy partner ... I can take a lot, but untidiness with clothes flung everywhere and a dirty bathroom washbasin was just to much and I moved out of there after only six months.

I lose track after that, but I do remember moving into a building that had a couple of really mean gangsters - East European guys that owned a pool hall - real gentlemen with the ladies of the building but the stories

about them outside were bad ... real old school mafia types.

I remember befriending one of the older guys oneday while hanging my washing on buildings roof... he was such a gentleman ... he loved to sit on the buildings roof and suntan ... but I politely used to turn him down when invited over for a drink.


As for the rest of the places i've stayed, they were all dead quiet with faceless neighbors.

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The only interesting neighbor I've ever had caught her house on fire in a meth lab explosion... so she doesn't live there anymore :P. The rest just keep to themselves.
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@ zegh8578 ... Oh wow you have had and still have some really crazy neighbors ... my property spans two streets and the guys in the street behind are dead quiet and so to the guys in the front.

The most is greeting one another at my main gate or a brief hello at the local strip mall up the road, and that's it.


However, when I moved out of my parents home and got my first flat, that was another story ... my neighbors on my right were "ladies of the night" and day, as a matter of fact I lived on the worst floorin the entire


I had the junkies - who constantly fought - living at the end of the passage by the fire escape, they never bathed their kids who constantly had something smeared on their faces ... jam or peanut butter or marmite or

something but they were always dirty and crying.

The next two flats on my right were the sex workers who were constantly partying and blasting their music until late in the night ...

Sometimes after a wild evening I'd get a knock on my door and it would be one of them all bleary eyed and totally sozzled ... I'd let her in and she'd bawl her eyes out about her kid living at her parents and how

screwed up her life was and how she was going to change and get her kid back.


But you know the story, she never did change and unfortunately oneday she contracted HIV and that was it for her.

And then it was me and on my left was the old gay guy who sold pot and had a steady stream of visitors and parties.

Everytime i came home I'd bump into the security guard of the building - his middleman or runner - who would be at his door picking up a couple of "pokes" or "arms" for the restless students waiting downstairs.

After being hit on once too many times i confronted the old guy who surprisingly apologised and told me that he would no longer have "visitors" between 4 to 5 PM.


I endured that for two years before moving in with my untidy partner ... I can take a lot, but untidiness with clothes flung everywhere and a dirty bathroom washbasin was just to much and I moved out of there after only six months.

I lose track after that, but I do remember moving into a building that had a couple of really mean gangsters - East European guys that owned a pool hall - real gentlemen with the ladies of the building but the stories

about them outside were bad ... real old school mafia types.

I remember befriending one of the older guys oneday while hanging my washing on buildings roof... he was such a gentleman ... he loved to sit on the buildings roof and suntan ... but I politely used to turn him down when invited over for a drink.


As for the rest of the places i've stayed, they were all dead quiet with faceless neighbors.



im kinda fond of that "retired gangster" type

maybe cus of the combination of the stories they got, what theyve been through - combined with a strong "spirit" in them, that they had the strength and will to retire in the first place, and choose a more normal existence.


i had a couple of polish neighbors, and i knew nothing about them, apart from they were 3 men in their 40s-60s living together, drinking a lot. i still dont know who they are, and most likely they did construction contracts here

but one time, we were out having a few quick words, a friend of mine wanted to say hello, they always stopped us to greet, very social types. now, this is norway, and its very safe here. mid-sentence, we hear a quick sequence of sharp bangs. since this is norway, bangs mean nothing, just.. something making bangs. "bang! Bang-bang-bang! bang!"

but obviously, i noticed that the polish guys sortof "fell off" the chat for a moment


so i went "oh, dont worry. its just the local mafia. lol."

they turned and looked at me

i had to quickly add "joke! i joke! it was a joke!"

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@ zegh8578 ... Hahahahaha ... they were a bit like the guys from the movie Eastern Promises (Viggo Mortensen) ... tattoos everywhere and with what seemed to be a silent cloud of unspoken violence hovering over them ... the only time they smiled was when they got visitors from the Lebanese, the Greeks and the Jewish gangs from the northern suburbs ... enough said.

There might be someone else here on Nexus to corroborate my story but I can't say, well not saying.

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@ zegh8578 ... Hahahahaha ... they were a bit like the guys from the movie Eastern Promises (Viggo Mortensen) ... tattoos everywhere and with what seemed to be a silent cloud of unspoken violence hovering over them ... the only time they smiled was when they got visitors from the Lebanese, the Greeks and the Jewish gangs from the northern suburbs ... enough said.

There might be someone else here on Nexus to corroborate my story but I can't say, well not saying.


nah, i believe you :D

i see people tend to dismiss a lot of "out there" stories, and quite quickly sometimes, but the world is a big place.


just the other day i discussed "originals" with my friends, "originals" these individuals who stand out in their quirkyness so much, that they end up making a profound impact on many peoples lives, not life-changing impacts, but still, "movie-like" experiences, bizarre experiences. im glad such people exist. one of my best friends is a definite "original", which has caused him a lot of trouble over the years :D


but for example

imagine a nice tiny suburb, completely surrounded by forested hills and farmlands

here goes many a person w their dog, and one night one man walks his dog along a forest path

from up in the forested slopes, someone seems to be yelling and cursing at him, from inside the woods. of course, needless to say, most "originals", including my friend, has issues, and one could feel sorry for them, and i often did, but they are a valuable... flavor.. to ordinary reality :D


that guy only wanted to walk his dog, in peace, but got offered a slice of bizarre reality, a troll-man deep in the woods yelling and cursing at him

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[i see people tend to dismiss a lot of "out there" stories, and quite quickly sometimes, but the world is a big place.



The need to impress others with outlandish rubbish is NOT part of my life ... actually, I tend to tone down a great deal of what I say for the fear of it sounding way to farfetched ... but the truth is stranger and many times a lot wilder than fiction.

My life is not and has never been boring or uneventful ... I just cannot imagine how so many people live such bland, grey and repetative lives ... I do NEW stuff everyday and I really mean NEW and NOT the same thing just on a different day ...

I have tons of different interests, hobbies and I'm always going to seminars no matter the subject matter and three of my girlfriends are exactly the same.

Actually if I was your neighbor - without my friends living with me - you wouldn't ever see me, I'd be out and about.

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I have a gun, I keep it on me at all times. I have a cat. She is like my baby. I rescued her when she was no more than a week old. I bottle fed her and nursed her back to health with the aid of my mother. The cat follows me everywhere and is extremely timid. She runs and hides anytime there is a stranger around. She has only recently in the last months gotten used to my best friend whom I met when she worked for me every day, several hours a day, in my house. If ever I caught someone intentionally trying to harm her, let alone kill her... Well they better be able to outrun a 9mm +P hollowpoint, because that is what I'll be throwing at them.


Honestly, that's probably a bit dramatic. But still, the point remains. Don't hurt my cat.

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I have a gun, I keep it on me at all times. I have a cat. She is like my baby. I rescued her when she was no more than a week old. I bottle fed her and nursed her back to health with the aid of my mother. The cat follows me everywhere and is extremely timid. She runs and hides anytime there is a stranger around. She has only recently in the last months gotten used to my best friend whom I met when she worked for me every day, several hours a day, in my house. If ever I caught someone intentionally trying to harm her, let alone kill her... Well they better be able to outrun a 9mm +P hollowpoint, because that is what I'll be throwing at them.


Honestly, that's probably a bit dramatic. But still, the point remains. Don't hurt my cat.


i got my cat a similar way. i watched a dumbass neighbor raise her all wrong (none at all), leaving me and my brother to raise the cat, feed it, etc. we ended up loving the cat as our own, and when we were gonna move from there, we warned the guy that if we ever come to visit, and see that the cat is suffering, the friendship with him is absolutely over. kindova blackmail i guess, but it worked, and he gave us the cat. since then i was the main caretaker.


now theres nothing i can do. i dont think this guy realizes what he has done. he probably thinks its "no big deal", like squashing a spider or something.


the thing is, if you ever got home from work, cats gone, and a neighbor mentally-ill-ishly tells you he killed your cat cus it was "annoying him", then walks over to watch tv, your _most probably_ not gonna march into your apt to get your gun and start popping off rounds.

when it comes down to it... well... he gets away with it. cus the kind of trouble you'd get into, for taking any sort of vengeful action, simply wouldnt be worth it. your life would be ruined. it sucks... but thats how it is.

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Don't Canadians leave their doors unlocked ? ... I seem to remember that from one of Michael Moore's movies ... that to me is simply horrifying :ohmy:


where i live right now its totally safe to leave the front door unlocked


that is also an issue w the same neighbor, one he threatened me about (massive eyeroll), and i tried to explain to him

1. we're in norway :b we baaarely have ghettos bad enough to warrant locking your door as a habit...

2. we're in the countryside...... on an oasis of houses surrounded by huge fields and woodland. there are no junkies here

3. we only own crappy stuff. like a big old corner sofa, and a malfunctioning refrigerator. even IF there were burglars around, they arent gonna sell an old dusty corner sofa on the "black market", "you dont know that!" he claimed...


there simply is another ambience here, i guess. there are of course places where you should lock the door, but these are usually rare, and most of the time its just overcautiousness, since the chance of an actual break-in is very very low, even in the "worst" places ("" because our worst is really not very bad compared to much more populated places.)

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