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if the enb in the true just Mainly shaders edited and like u say ( mirrors ) basically why is it take a lot of fps somtime my fps get from 60 to 40 with enb and from 2 to 3 houer get 30 what the reason then.

Edited by lans139
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if the enb in the true just Mainly shaders edited and like u say ( mirrors ) basically why is it take a lot of fps somtime my fps get from 60 to 40 with enb and from 2 to 3 houer get 30 what the reason then.

  1. I use 100% default vanilla ini files, I do not touch them, I do not set cores to 2 or one because others seem to think they can edit a console machines software as if it is not possible so why would i touch stuff not accessible in the first place.
  2. People are easily fooled into messing with things and calling it the right thing to do.
  3. ENB is a direct x 3d fx file for the screen that the game engine will pick up because it's in it's directory. Can't be done in a box unit.
  4. The games own software needs to be fixed and the ini files are not supposed to be touched.
  5. If the game's core files are repaired, then the ini files out perform any ini tricks possible, Flat out 60+ all th time.
  6. IF the data assembly is conducted on default settings and optimised on those settings, it will be correct for the GPU to process.

how many cores did the Original design of fallout 3 product target ? I bet you won't know becasue (hint) your ona PC.

On the front cover of a retail game box, what does it sayit was made for ?

now ,google the specs and find out how many cores the game was designed to run on.


No, I do not mess with direct x controls and kill off xlive systems files and cause tremendous crashing issues due to incorrect programing specs.

It's old, very old topic, worn out and defeats any more discusions.


Here, this place ,we modify all assets of thegames stuff, the problems is, it's always changing. There currently is no set ENB thingy that is rock solid for all machines.


but, guess what? there is a default settings that will operated cleanly on all machines, it's shipped with the game.

That does not hurt any thing. but in tools, we can augment other files to overwrite in ram settings..IF you can shut down anticheat processes, that only goes so far.

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use 100% default vanilla ini whattttttttttttttttttttttt @@


and if default settings that will operated cleanly on all machines and does not hurt any thing why you just tell us how to make it in right way


and be right that



omg woooow

in fact we are suffer here from this story line of enb

lol this very important :sad:

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here, under my name is a signature ,with it it ,there are links to help you gain in knowledge. I share the links to further interest in the games in the hope others will gain from it.

That is why I put the information there. Of the links here ,you will find out what I have posted.

A link to my gallery as it was. I used to host well over 300 + screen shots here.


The ENB thing took the wind out of that sail so no one was interested in vanilla things. That's the truth of it there.

I left two or 3 things here to show what an be done.


there is also a very long 40 + page thread here , My self and another have committed to remedy these issues, a plan and a set of directives to teach.

But, the links I provide are also from others I have learned from too. now, it's old, very old information that remains true to this date.


it's there for you.

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