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skyrim won't give back used RAM?

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No I do not have virtual memory. I have been trying to figure out what to do about it, I know how to get to that page in the image but the system says it recommends I have 12000mb's or so of RAM, and I have 8 so I assume it wants me to fill in the gap by adding 4 gigs of virtual RAM?

See how in your attached image in the virtual memory window it says recommended? Well for me next to that it has this number "12283", and says I have "8189" currently allocated. Seeing as how this problem is only related to skyrim I am guessing this IS RAM related and a HDD nuke is not necessary. Besides I don't have time for one right now... So what would you recommend I enter in the field for the "initial size", and "maximum size?" And then once I enter it do I just press OK?


If you don't mind would you explain what virtual memory is? To me it sounds like I am reserving a portion of space in the HDD for the computer to use a slower form RAM.


Thanks for the help so far guys I really appreciate it!


The old standard rule with virtual memory is 1.5 times the regular ram so it recommends that you assign 12000mb of hard drive space as virtual memory. However RAM has gotten better so you can assign any amount these days with your 8GB of RAM. You try 4000mb and move up if needed or you can set a range of a minimum and maximum. I don't recommend going over the 12000mb recommended amount.


Edit: As for what Virtual Memory is, you are correct. You are reserving a portion of Hard Drive space for a slower form of RAM. However, regular RAM likes to hold onto whatever information is in it until the computer powers off. When you start a program, information is called up from the hard drive to the RAM which sends instruction to the CPU on what to do. When the program closes down, the information in RAM is suppose to clear up, but in many cases the RAM holds onto the info and doesn't report that space is still in use even when it is not because there is a possibility that the program gets called into use again. Since it doesn't report still having the info, it looks like you more than you actually have. Virtual Memory provides a dumping ground for the RAM when it starts to run out of room. Information not in use gets dumped into PAGEFILE.SYS and frees up space in RAM then when the program that provided the unused info starts up again, the RAM knows exactly where that information is and can call it back up quicker without having to search the whole hard drive. Virtual Memory was made at a time when RAM was expensive enough to bankrupt companies for large amounts. Now, with RAM being very cheap, virtual memory acts more like a cache for RAM. I don't know if Virtual Memory loses its data if the computer powers off like standard RAM.


Final Edit: Can you provide a snapshot of your virtual memory window. Using the search bar, type "snipping tool" without the quotes and trace a box over the virtual memory table. Save the picture as a JPEG(Save As in the file menu) and attach the file. I want to see what you have before you make any changes.


Hey thanks for the reply! I have been away from home for the last three days and was not able to check up on this, but yeah thanks for the info. I will try and take a screen of virtual memory page for you to take a look at but first I must explain something I have found.


I bought from best-buy today a drive cleaner. The tool is called "Drive Scrubber" and has three options. 1. It can create a boot disk that will wipe everything on each plugged in drive/usb/floppy. 2. It will wipe everything but the OS, or 3. It will clean and delete (up to 100 times supposedly) everything you have already deleted and work around your installed programs and the OS. So I ran it on option three for about 3 hours until it was done. I then rebooted the computer and launched and quit skyrim to see what happened. Well the same slowness came back so I rebooted and then thought that it might shed some light to check out the CPU's activity. I hadn't before because after closing skyrim I didn't see the TESV.exe in task manager under processes, even when I looked at all user and system processes. So without seeing any sign of the application still functioning I didn't think to check the CPU. But then today I installed a small gadget that shows my core temp using core-temp the app, and shows me core activity and RAM usage, and current clock. I found that my CPU idles normally at 25 degrees Celsius and I had 22% of RAM being used. My CPU on my motherboard is designed to sit at lower mhz when not in use so that the temperature is lowered and it uses less power. So it idles at 792mhz.


This is where I found the weirdness. After launching skyrim the CPU jumps its processing speed up to 3300mhz, RAM usage jumped to 35-40% and the temperature went to 35 degrees Celsius. Now after closing skyrim to desktop, the CPU usage remains the same. It does not stop. So somewhere along the lines I believe skyrim is not stopping a command. I have two theories now. 1. Skyrim Script Extender is the culprit. I have no proof of this or evidence but it is the only application I have installed for skyrim and its really all I can imagine doing something strange. 2. Skyrim's exe is broken and I should reinstall.


So whatever is happening it appears to be CPU related. I want to stress this does not happen with any other game or application, only skyrim. It requires a full reboot to fix, and my temperatures are well within their boundaries for safe operation. I also cannot find the application for skyrim in task manager after closing skyrim. So that's all I found. Thanks for the help, and ideas..


Skyrim is a CPU intensive game instead of a GPU intensive game. Your CPU actually gets put to full use while Skyrim is running, so I am not surprised on the speed and temperature jump. Since the CPU was under load, it should take a while to go back down to idle(screensaver or falling asleep length.) 35 degrees Celsius isn't too problematic. It's when you get to 60+ degrees that you should worry.

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Ok I have good news! I have been able to prove it is related to SKSE, when I launch and play the game without it skyrim closes properly and my computer functions normally afterwards! So should I be emailing the SKSE team about this then?
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