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Decks and stuff


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One of my favorite things to do in Tes3: CS was to build fun bases inside of caves using those deck platforms used in the mines and random bandit/Rogue Mage caves.


I was excited to get to work making a great base like the ones I did in Tes3, but I was shocked to find that there is practically nothing like those deck pieces in TES4:CS. The closest thing I can find for an individual modular deck, are the models of the Deck/Stairs from Bravil. This limits my abilities and makes these bases look….less interesting more like I just dropped some statics and containers on the floor and went with it. Of course it won’t stop me, but I’d still like to make a neat base like the one I liked the most from TES3.


Something I would REALLY like to get my hands on would be Modular Deck pieces like the ones from TES3 and long Support beams that were in TES3 so I can construct my very fancy and lovely cave bases.


If any modelers are willing to tackle this one, I would really appreciate it! :biggrin:


Note: I know about those mine planks, but those are slanted and hard to work with. I’d prefer a nice square deck modules from TES3.

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There aren't any real decks and platforms because there aren't any particularly large cave pieces. While it just requires access to a 3d program to make them, it still requires places where they can be used effectively, something which doesn't exist in the normal game. This means adding new cave pieces, which can make the whole project more difficult, and probably not worth it unless a mod specifically called for that sort of thing.
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I know a way, and I'm doing it but not the way I wanted to, but alas it's not nearly as grand as what I had in Morrowind.


And you could by increasing the scale of the Chasm, and the entrance being teleporting so you don't have to connect to smaller scale caves. (at least it would work in theory.) I still think it would be nice for out side as well.

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