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Lowered Weapons still lowering after uninstall.


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So I uninstalled and deleted Lowered Weapons by Lesma666, and deleted any animation files under meshes, actors, character and my weapons in game are still lowering. I dont have any of the other lowered weapons installed either. What am I missing here?


The fact that weapon lowering is a part of the Default game.


Its true, when out of combat in 3rd person the player and all NPC's will lower their weapons after a set number of seconds I believe its 5 seconds.


In first person the player does in fact lower their weapon when talking to NPC's and when standing up against a wall. Actually in vanilla game you could just look at a tree or some other obstruction real quick to get your weapon lowered for when you were just running around.


The weapon lowering mods were made for a variety of reasons but mostly just to make the lowered mechanic happen more often and well there is now a button activated one that makes it so that the player basically can control when this happens.

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