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Needing Script help in Private Army mod


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I have some issues having with enemy spawn script and sick of guessing the problem :wallbash: ....

I have tried two kinds of quest scripts they work for one time but thats it


my first idea was that every day there would be a change that there might come new enemies in the enemies base and the script goes like follows


Begin Gamemode

if AA == 0

set enemyReinforce to GameDaysPassed + 1

set AA to 1

elseif enemyreinForce <= Gamedayspassed

EnemyBaseSpawn.PlaceAtMe AAEnemy1

EnemyBaseSpawn.PlaceAtMe AAEnemy2

and so..

set AA to 0




this doesnt have random percent thing but i was going to add one

this works so that every time you start game you wait one day and these guys appear as they should but... there will be no second coming untill i restart oblivoin and continue from autosave


the second one is based on idea that every time you recruit the enemy might recruit and the script i tried is follows


Begin Gamemode

if AA == 0

set Enemyrand to GetRandompercent

set AA to 1


if EnemyReinforce == 1

if EnemyRand <33

EnemyBaseSpawn.PlaceAtMe AAEnemy1

and so on




this worked only once as well is there some little thing that I am not noticing or what PLEAASE HELP MEEE :wallbash: my Head hurts :thanks: for advance

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