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help finding item in meshes


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okay, the title is probably confusing but heres the situation.


i downladed a mod that replaces clothing thats already enchanted, so i wanted to replace things that are not enchanted.


so far i got the main clothing and the boots set, but the gloves are what i'm having an issue with.


when i go to qasmoke or even type in help gloves 4 theres one item called gloves. and i want to replace that with the gloves from the mod.


problem is i can't figure out where the hell the mesh is. i've loaded up the bsa browser and searched for gloves, but i honestly can't figure out which one it is.


so far the only ones i've tried myself are the yarl gloves with no such luck. i'm going to keep trying more, but i'm hoping maybe someone can reply here with an answer.


or if anything, if you can tell me an easy way to find out the mesh file name from the form ID.

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i actually found them now. farmer gloves were the ones i was looking for.


but is there anyway to use the number ID from the console and find out what mesh/textures it goes to.


took me a long time to find the expert destruction robe texture as well, had to extract every single mage texture before i found it.

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