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Quick question on damage multipliers...


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I know this is probably a dumb question, but I have to ask.

I'm a thief with a damage multiplier of x15 from backstabs with a dagger. Say I have a dagger that deals 6 base damage and 30 points of magic damage.


Is the formula 6x15+30 or is it 36x15 ?


I know it's probably the first but just curious

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Nope, only the physical damage counts. But with that huge multiplier (which grows even bigger if you employ at Dark Brotherhood) and decent one-handed and smithing, you can still one-hit everything. Not to mention that power attacks and even dual-power attacks get multiplied as well.
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In the same vein, how exactly does poison factor in?


Say I have a bow that does 100 damage without Fortify Archery. I don a pair of gloves that adds 25% to bow damage. I then apply Poison (25 damage) on the bow.


So is it (100+25) x 1.25 , or is it (100x1.25) + 25 ?


The difference is small, but this has been on my mind for quite some time...

Edited by nitevision92
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