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Modifying Perk Values


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Hello all. I guess I'm new to the forums, though I've been playing/modding TES games since Morrowind. I usually go under the alias of FireHeaven.


Introductions aside, I'm attempting to modify perk values using both TESsnip (FOMM) and FO3Edit. I'm having one hell of a headache trying to actually get these programs to work. Short story -- I'm attempting to modify the bonuses gained per perk, add perks in (still haven't quite figured out how on this) and change the level requirements for some of the perks as well.


I figure the bonuses gained per perk is handled by the float value under the last EPFD section as they match with the percentages in game. The Comparison Value under the first CTDA section regulate the level requirements. I've no idea how to add additional perks still, but it's a work in progress.


Regardless, my main issue isn't that. The problem I'm having is modifying the actual values. With TESsnip I can only view the float values of the last "multi-upgradable" perks (such as Enchanter80, Haggling80, Alchemist80). When I create a blank plugin, input all the perks into the plugin via TESsnip and use FO3Edit to change the values, the plugin crashes FO3Edit as soon as I click on the perks tab -- despite being able to open Skyrim.esm alone and see the perks just fine.


Can anyone give any insight on this? Or am I blind to something incredibly simple to fix? I know all these are possible (maybe not with these tools) as I've seen similar mods on the Nexus already up.


Thanks in advance.




Ah! I was missing something. I can edit it with TESsnip. However, I'm still at somewhat of a loss on how to add more to the tier perks. Does anyone have any advice on how?

Edited by WaywardWay
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