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Great idea Bethesda :D, secret room, eh?


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if we decide it should not be in game than I would ask if adding perk commands should be ingame or not, if changing appearance commands should be ingame or not, if manipulating inventory/quests/world/items/etc. commands should be ingame or not.............


It is a tough decision for a Game Publisher to make, "How much "freedom" will I give Players"?. This decision is tough because, with more Freedom; more bugs, more balancing work, more features to implement and so on, on the opposite, taking away Freedom means; more "linearity", less replay value therefore loss of financial worth on the market and a few more....


Bethesda decided to give us a lot of Freedom. Of course this has its "downsides" but I think the "upsides" overweigh them by far.


So yes! it should be ingame!

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