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Eye Problem With My Dunmer


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I have recently come upon a problem with one of my characters, a Dunmer called Serek. Whenever I log onto him he normally starts out with normal eyes such as pictured below:





However, as the game progresses he will then develop a strange blotchy texture around the eyes. The Pictures below are not very good but are sufficient to highlight my point.





I have yet to discern if this is a natural problem everyone experiences or one that I engineered. My one theory concerns the origins of my character. You see, after I got bored of my Do-Good Mage I converted him into a Dunmer Rogue by stripping him of all perks, lowering all skills to standard lvl 1 range and then using showracemenu. Afterwards it was simply a matter of returning the Skills to their normal levels and realocating perk points. I then joined up with the Theives Guild and the rest is history. But I feel that it is possible that this glitch is a result of this.



Does anyone know about this?

Edited by CyrusAmell
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