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Need a little bit of help with fixing my script >:(


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Hey I've been working on a mod of mine that adds an elixir that gets you more and more drunk the more you drink it. I have one of the tiers here. The effect I'm having issues with involves the part where once every ten seconds, it generates a random percent to make your character trip. Here's what it looks like:


scn ZElixirTier4Script

float timer

short trippercentage

Begin Gamemode

player.triggerhitshader 25

if timer == 0

set timer to (timer + GetSecondsPassed)


if timer >= 10

set trippercentage to GetRandomPercent

if trippercentage >= 60

player.pushactoraway player 1

set trippercentage to 0


set timer to 0



Begin Scripteffectfinish

player.triggerhitshader 0

player.removespell ZElixirTier4



I compressed everything on this page so it doesn't take up as much room here.


Any ideas how I can fix it to make give you a 40% chance to fall over once every ten seconds?

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From what I can see the timer will only advance once when it's == 0, after this never again.


It is not really reliable how many seconds will pass until the GameMode block of this Spell script runs again, but I doubt it will take more than 10 seconds, and as such the condition for the calculation of the trip chance is already never met.


Was the timer advancement put into this "== 0" condition for any purpose?

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