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ENB Stutter


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First, my specs:
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060
Intel core i7-6700HQ CPU @2.60GHz
16gb ram


I get this patterned stutter happening in Skyrim, only when using enb. It will be smooth for a second or two then stutter for half of a second. Continues to do this consistently no matter what I'm doing, even if i'm standing still looking at the sky.


I've spent hours upon hours trying to solve this issue.. I've reinstalled twice, tried various ENB presets, different versions, altered the necessary ini files about a hundred times (read forums and numerous lists on what these settings should look like), messed with my graphic settings etc.


The weird thing is, eventually after messing with it enough I will actually get stable FPS and no stutter. Once I even turned on AF and it randomly seemed to solve the issue temporarily (which hardly makes sense with enb?) I continue playing while it's fine for hours, but as soon as I restart my pc and load up skyrim IT'S THERE AGAIN.

Really hoping someone can help me out... this is driving me nuts :l


Edited by edeco
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