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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Hey Antistar what weapon sound overhaul did you say you use again?

Commonwealth Warfare - and the Explosions set too.





Glad to hear that the fires in in your area do not pose an immediate threat to you or your area anymore.


I assume its too early to let a sigh of relief but, as a famous British PM once said '' Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.''


I hope this quote applies to the red summer Australia had to suffer thru, and that you and your countrymen will have a much better 2020.

I think that's enough praying from everyone because now we're dealing with floods lol

Yeah we, uh... had a bit of rain last night.


That stretch of the river had actually dried up to the point that it stopped flowing earlier this summer. Seems like it may have recovered! I've never seen it as low as it was, and I've never seen it as high as it is right now.


For anyone interested, here's an article on the aftermath of the huge fire that was (is?) nearby, too.



Back on the mods though, I've been doing some stuff for PEACE recently and just posted some screenshots.


I saw the video you posted...Whooa! If that is the result of a bit of rain, I hate to see a full-on rainstorm! But it should hopefully help your parched area.


Also nice screenshots as well, true to your Modus operandi. :)

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I saw the video you posted...Whooa! If that is the result of a bit of rain, I hate to see a full-on rainstorm! But it should hopefully help your parched area.


Also nice screenshots as well, true to your Modus operandi. :smile:

To be fair, while we had 50-60mm of rain here - which is still a lot compared to the drought conditions we've been in - it is a river, so I expect that was the result of a lot more rain up in the mountains or something.


It's definitely made a difference though - and you can (coincidentally) see it in this video of a close encounter I had with a wombat the other day. It's been kind of a shock to see some actual green grass when everything has been this bleached brown colour for so long.


If people are (still) interested in it, there's another article here that describes how such a large-scale disaster came about, and tries to give an idea of the sheer scale of it.



You been keeping up with Isathar at all Antistar?

Yep. It sounds like there's been a lot of activity with AmmoTweaks lately.

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Because WARS is built from the ground up to use many of AmmoTweaks' systems. Weapon condition and ammo type hot-swaps,to be specific. And,as Antistar has said many times,there is movement on that front. It's just slow.

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Yeah, WARS without the framework in AmmoTweaks v2 would be a pale shadow of what I'm aiming for with it. And I do have confidence that the AmmoTweaks update will see the light of day; I hear from isathar semi-regularly about how it's going.



Anyway, if people are wondering what I'm working on at the moment, it's the robot cargo carrier stuff for PEACE. It feels like it's been slow going because man, it's just been one thing after another in the physical world lately - but it is coming along.

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Why dont you release the mod without AmmoTweaks? Its literaly never coming out...


Cuz OP of that mod is going hello games route and maintaining radio silence, just working on the mod

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