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Question About Horses


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The horse will always be there when you fast travel somewhere. Here's a tip to get a horse, that isn't yours, but will travel with you. After you clear out Fort Greymoor of the Orcs, the Imperials will soon take it over. They have a few horses, and you can freely take one for a ride. After riding around with this horse, I found that it's always there when I fast travel. Once you get off of it, it will walk away. Like it has it's own mission to get back home, I guess. I didn't pay a cent for it, but every time I FT, it's there. Riverwood is the easiest place to find it when you fast travel there. It ends up being right with you at the entrance.
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No problem, you're welcome. I just learn these things as I play. I've bought a horse before, with my first character. I'm not playing it anymore, as I thought it was too easy to kill a dragon on the easy level. I started a new character at Adept from the start. I was going to buy another horse when I had enough money, but this thing just fell in my lap. I don't know what will happen if it ever gets to it's destination yet, but I can find that out in a couple of minutes.
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Indeed, that horse was trying to get back to Fort Greymoor. I FT'd just outside of it, by the western watchtower, got off the horse, and he made a beeline for the Fort. I let him go home, then I FT'd back to Riverwood and there he was, with me. It's like he's mine now, but he wants to go home if I'm not riding him. I hope this just wasn't a glitch in my game and it works for you. Can't complain about a free horse, right?
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A thousand gold is peanuts to pay if you want a horse, as stealing one that will immediately start walking off somewhere when you dismount it (for absolutely any reason at all) is a massive pain in the butt. One quest conversation and the thing is halfway across Tamriel.
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so far there are a few horses I have come across randomly in the wild, do the dark brotherhood quests and you get shadow mere again just like oblivion and he is very hard to kill. Every time I fast travel there she blows...!

Also there is a mod enabling you to whistle for you mount which is like a few other rpg,s


Storm bringer

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