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Where to find Music for my mod


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Hello there,

I am a Novice modder and i am busy making a mod with its custom worldspace. So far i have made a small island with a dungeon, a village and a bandit hideout.

I have plans to make it a big quest mod though, so does anyone know where i can find good music composers who can compose music for my mod?


Thanks in advance, Kleis


P.s Here is a link to the mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=804916888

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You could try Vindsvept. Many youtube showcasers like to use his music to, basically because he doesn't mind monetization as long as you give hime proper credits and a link to his youtube channel. His music just really goes well with Skyrim.
His tracks are on bandwagon for a very small price. I believe it's 5 dollars as a minimum for all his tracks. Here is his youtube sou get the idea: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSUheoljDlGDjerRylO4Nw

Brunuhville, adriaan von ziegler, Omnia and maybe Faun are also really good composers with fitting music for skyim.
However, I'm not sure if you can use all their music in your project without it getting 'claimed' by them.

Other than that witcher music or dragon age music can be fitting to.

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Edited by laiilaiiheii
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