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War uniforms wanted


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This is a fairly simple request, one for wearable American uniforms (and ones from other nations if you choose) which were used in conflicts such as the Spanish-American War (1898), World War I (1914-1918) and the Banana Wars (1898-1934). By looking at them, I can imagine that these pieces of clothing were of the most common materials so they can be easily manufactured. One can easily search for "X war uniforms" and get many results, but I have included links to the pictures that I find the most helpful:


Spanish-American War: http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/attachment.php?attachmentid=120867&stc=1&d=1290823548 , http://jodaviess.ilgenweb.net/PHOTOS/jhdebord.jpg , http://cache2.artprintimages.com/lrg/22/2246/TL2ZD00Z.jpg


World War I: http://freepages.military.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~worldwarone/WWI/Uniforms/images/page13.jpg , http://www.gunandgame.com/forums/attachments/powder-keg/40462d1304219721-help-identify-military-uniform-alphonseewaldhubert_wwi.jpg , http://militariana.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/USWW2Uniforms.jpg , http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3091/2567473113_cb6048d445.jpg


Banana Wars: (similar to World War I style) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/CaptureofFtRiviere.jpg, several pictures are at http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?156857-Banana-Wars-pictures


The reason I want these uniforms (the helmets would also be great, although the pickelhaube and Ranger hat can easily be accessed) is not only for everyone else out there to have access them, but I might be making a small mod which will include these items.

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mmm...they would not be difficult to realize,just retex some of the NCR uniforms,I can do it.But if you want even the exactly meshes,that's another story.


Anyway,for the helmets.American and british are pretty similair to NCR ranger helmet,the prussian helmet exist already,on fo3nexus and german trench helmet it's pretty similair to the m42 that you can find on fo3nexus under the name "cerberus protect headgear",just smooth the mesh and maybe retex it.

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