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Hi, Ive got the same fancy, and the solution isnt a mod lol


heres what i do to set up camp:

[i will be thorough with my steps, im assuming 'idiot's guide' for the sake of simplicity, not that you are an idiot]


1) find an area with even ground (this becomes important later)

2)open console (the [~] key above your [tab])

3) look toward the horrizon, or as close as possible to the x axis. Otherwise the object you spawn will be tilted

3) spawn your bed/fire/camp with the console command "player.placeatme xxxx" (the xxxxxx is the REF ID of the item)

3.5) if you dont know the ref id of an object, type in [help "bed" 0] to search up the ID of the object. use it to search up "bed" or "fire" or "tent".

4) the item you entered the ID for should spawn behind or in front of you

5) not happy with your bed? wrong style? tilted and sunk on the floor? no worries, just click the object in console mode (a string of numbers should appear) and type "disable"

5.5) if you accidently deleted the ground or walls, dont click anything else, just type in "enable"



You can use command "twf" to toggle wire frame, it lets you see whether objects are straight, or sunken into the floor

You can also use "rotate (X,Y,Z)" to flip stuff to your liking


There you go! you can put chests, beds, forges, NPCs... anything you can search up. PIMP OUT YOUR BREEZEHOME!

Have fun!

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Hey i'm working on this, i'll have it for you in a few days or something like that.

I made an awesome one for Oblivion, and I wont let you down!


hi all im new here and to this modding malarky

so please bear with me


i would like to see a mod or items(useable)


bed roll


campfire with cooking pot


and if possible random bandit /animal attacks while you sleep


again pleae bear with me i am a noob



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