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please help(Sword Bug)


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i had this sword bug after installing a few mods where i cant see the sword but still attacks i can see the sword in his waist but when i draw it it doesnt make any animation just him changing his pose to battle pose but no sword in his hands

when i sheath the sword there is an animation of him sheathing a sword but i still cant see any sword in his arms

i tried equipping a mace and it works fine so i think its just on the sword cause i tried 2 swords and its both bugged

i took an SS


Edited by iMeruem
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ohh sorry i forgot to mention


yes there are some errors in FNIS but i just cant figure out how to fix it


>>Warning: * xp32's "New Animation for Running with Bow" not installed<<



>>Warning: * xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon" not installed<<


>>Warning: * xp32's "Momo Acrobatic Jump" not installed<<

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Make sure that when you install FNIS, you do it as if it were a mod through Mod organizer. I think the problem could be that you are not running it through MO and so it is not detecting your files. Just as LOOT has to be run through MO, so does FNIS. And make sure that when you are done running it, that you right click your overwrites and create a mod for your FNIS Overwrites.

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yes i have installed FNIS behavior, FNIS behavior V6 3 XXL, FNIS all through Mod Organizer and im running it trough mod organizer


i just tried to run it directly by skyrim short cut and SKSE shortcut and the game crashes i dont know if this has something to do with it

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