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Immersive Bear Traps: Your foot gets caught in them for a short period of time


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It kind of surprises me Bethesda never made this a part of the game for beartraps.


As we all know, you step on a bear trap in real life, you're not just going to flinch/stagger and get back up on your feet in 2 seconds. You're going to be standing there struggling to get the thing open in order to free yourself.


That being said, would it be possible to program a mod to where where an NPC/Player steps on a bear trap, it halts them in place until they pry it open, or some kind of wait time passes and they're free? The "hunched over in pain animation" that plays when Followers are low on health would be a great animation to use for Humans/Skeletons/Draugr.


As for animals.. Well, since there is no "hunched over in pain" animation for them, they'd just be standing there in their idle animation. And Dragons.. well, those guys are more than likely too friggin bulky and big to care about a bear trap. xD

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