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Off-hand weapon mods?


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Where can you find mods that add off-hand swords and staves? I know their out there because i saw them in the OOO trailer and heard about a battlestaff mod but i cant find them. can anyone tell me where I can download these mods?
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There are a few. I think this one is the best. Off-hand staves, daggers (with reverse grip, so you hold the off-hand version the other way around), longswords and the rest. Off-hand weapons automatically unequip when you sheath your weapon, and equip when you unsheath them.


It adds new block sounds so it actually sounds as if you are blocking with a sword (or axe, or whatever), but unfortunately this replaces ALL block sounds. That means that you still hear the 'blocking with a blade' sound when you or an opponent is blocking with a shield.

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