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"Followers do not get knocked out" Mod


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Probably one of the most interesting aspects about my personal narrative in Fallout 1 is how my followers deaths would be placed relative to the story. It made the game feel a lot more personal when Ian died and I had to make a long trek solo to the Hub or when Tycho was killed while fixing the water chip and I had to complete the rest of the quest on my own. It puts a lot of things in perspective and changes the gameplay in an interesting turn. Pretty much, I like it when the gameplay decides when I need to move on to another partner.


Has anyone created a mod that prevents followers from kneeling down and removing all aggro? Basically removing this in-between of essential and non-essential status that followers have. My search for one has only got me mods that turn followers into fully essential character. If no mod exist, can someone please create one?

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