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Skyrim crash after loading save


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np nothing worry about The game engine doesn't read the file extension to determine what's an ESP and ESM, but the flag you switched with xEdit. It's not as scary dangerous as you think. It'll just be mis-ordered in pretty much any load order editor besides FOMM, since it seems only FOMM considers the ESM flag in ordering.

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1. Dance of death is outdated, use Violens

2. Your likely culprit is probably something steam did to your computer when SE came about. I would just go into your skyrim folder, delete your skyrim, update, and all dlc.esps and then revalidate your cache, reclean them and restart your computer. That fixed it for me.

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Are you serious right now? Delete skyrim ? ... i was modding this whole 3 days with turtorials, going through this again will kill me ... it might be JackGa ... i downloaded it with steam workshop, maybe its SE version how should i delete it without reinstalating game?



EDIT: oh now i know what u mean, everything in skyrim folder skyrim prefs is different than in SkyrimPrefs ini in the documents when i delete it it will create a copy of Skyrim ini in the documents into my skyrim forlder? if yes this could possibly work o_O


EDIT: And what u mean by update ? i deleted folder skyrim and now i dont know what to do ? Man it might work help me.

Edited by GloonGamingChannel
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Here this link may help you clean install. I was trying to avoid that by just having you revalidate your cache, but if you've deleted skyrim, you might as well just do a clean install.


What I mean by update, is that when skyrim is installed, it activates two mods, Skyrim.esm, and update.esm. Then if you have the DLC it downloads those ESMs as well. Those were what I was talking about.

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