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I uninstalled oblivion because i needed more room for flight simualeter didnt like it so decided to install oblivion again now i get 2 black screens and then a error report any one know what to do to make it run again i have played it many times before so i do not need a new graphics card or anything... its just i uninstelled it and now it doesnt work. :(
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When you uninstall Oblivion, it actually doesn't uninstall the entire thing. it leaves behind some files that a new install will try to use. If you were originally using an older version or are using a hacked or D2D version you may also have problems. see this for how to completely uninstall. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=41082


Then, after completely uninstalling, reinstall from the original disk. Its best to use the default path so the game can find everything.


Before installing any patches or mods, start the game - this initializes some stuff. then make a save. now if you have Shivering Isles install it. again start the game and make a save. Now download the latest patch - If you have Shivering Isles ONLY use the latest Shivering Isles patch. If you do not have SI, ONLY use the latest Oblivion patch.


When installing patches be certain you use the right one for your language version of Oblivion. Note that there are 2 English Language versions , US & UK and they are different.


Again after you have patched, and before you install any mods, start and save.


Now, again before installing any mods of optimizing your Oblivion.ini file - save the data file and the entire directory locate in C:\documents and settings\your name\My Documents\My games\oblivion. Then it you have to, you can go back to this point. Now start installing your mods, but only a few at a time between checks to see that everything is working properly.

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Can you give us the error you are getting?


If you followed the instructions then it is like installing Oblivion for the first time.


If you originally uninstalled to make room for Flight Simulator do you have room for Oblivion now?


Try defragging your hard drive. That will free up some space.

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yes i ininstalled flight simulater because it was very slow. many people have been complaining about that... but about oblivion. yes it is like installing it for the fisrt time one question exactly how do i delete the mods... i think they might be the cause. im not much of a technical guy either so i got relly confused on how to do alll the stuff. oblivion was working fine before i uninstalled it and now it doesnt not work confusing... :[
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Uninstalling Oblivion does NOT delete your mods! OR your saved games.

The mods are in the C:\program files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. If you followed my earlier directions you should have renamed this folder prior to reinstalling. Just uninstalling Oblivion does not remove that folder.


To get rid of all of your mods, delete the data folder.


Before reinstalling, Do a defrag on your hard drive to clean it up.


THEN uninstall oblivion using the original disk. When you reinstall, the data folder will be created without your old mods.


As you add mods they will be placed into the /data folder


Keep posting, we will get it straightened out eventually.

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