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a swordsmans suggestion


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hey ive been looking for some way to increase the speed of drawing your weapon, or go straight from a seathed weapon into an attack similar to "Laido" which is drawing the weapon hitting the target, washing the blood from the blade, and seathing the blade again.


i think it could be done with sme scripting "which i know nothing about :( " but yeah i dont think new animation or modeling is needed, as the speed of the drawing animation could be speeded up "somehow ?"


i was thinking maybe if the sword is seathed then on attack use laido attack and keep weapon out? as opposed to drawing "which takes forever in most situations to me" the weapon then attacking


perhaps the drawing speed could be based on agility or speed instead of strength? and a bonus to the initial attack from drawing based on speed or agility instead of strength...


this topic has been raised before but not one reply... just raising a suggestion again


hopefully there is a way to do this.. if i can be of any help "even though idont know the first thing about scripting or modeling but i am learning and on TES4 CS everyday" but yea best of luck.. :thanks:

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