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If your Fallout.exe has vanished, verify your install with steam. Got library in steam, right click the NV icon properties> local files verify cache.
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Currently (as of dec 31 8:55am) steam is downloading gargantuine chunks related to new vegas. It downloaed 2gigs earlier and is downloading another 2 gigs as I type. I looked in a few forums and cannot find information about it or about a scheduled update.


Steam just downloads updates n whatnot without telling you its happening. You have to open steam and look at the bottom. You should see "1 item complete" or "1 item downloading". If you click on that it might take you to a list of things it has recently downloaded or is currently donwloading. When I clicked it showed me it dloaded 2 gigs of Fallout NV stuff and was downloading 2 gigs more- but when I clicked on "view details" it brought me to the fallout nv achievement and news info page that has no news since may.


I think this is why people are having trouble getting NV to work today.

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