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Destruction Mod


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I'll first talk about my character concept and about the problems that lead for me to ask for this mod, if you're not interested, please, jump to the "What I humbly ask of you guys" section:


So, yeah, I've been playing a battlemage until now, but my idea wasn't as bold as casting dragonhide/ebonyflesh and that's about it, I wanted to close in on opponents chewing on their faces with ranged destruction spells and then giving each one or two finishing blows with power attacks, saving stamina. The destruction spells were also meant to help at dps'ing while I melee-rape (cloaks and walls) and to deal with archers/mages on places where it would take some time to reach by foot to engage on melee. Finally, the intended battlemage would, in dire situations where his stamina was utterly depleted, be able to resort to his magicka bar for effective dps.


Well, I faced some problems when trying that out when I reached higher-level play:

1. Destruction spells casted with one hand only can't possibly "chew on someone's face" properly until I get at melee range, unless I'm over-encumbered and have to climb down a mountain, and then climb up a second mountain before reaching said enemy.

2. Enemies could chat, eat some sweetrolls and apple pie, and drink some mead and spiced wine while on cloaks and wall spells.

3. If an archer is on the top of a tower, said tower being only reachable through a bridge, and said bridge being barricated with palisades, it would still take less time to get to him and axe his face than killing him from a distance with destruction spells.

4. Master spells suck-ass, especially with the dual casting requirement.


What I humbly ask of you guys:

1. Level-dependant bonuses to spell damage for the "bolt" spells, such as Icy Spear and Firebolt.

2. AoE effect boost for the adept spells fireball, icestorm and chain lightning.

>>>> Don't directly boost the damage: make fireball's AoE increase with level, make chain lightning's "jumps" repeat when at higher destruction levels, and make icestorm travel back when at 75, and forth again when at 100 (so that the battlemage can send these spells in one direction, let them wreak havoc, and go happily fight in another direction, taking on the properly crippled enemies when they get there)

3. Battlemage oriented perks to bennefit the cloaks and walls.

>>>> There could be two perks, with x levels each, one for cloaks, one for walls.

>>>> Cloaks could do bonus damage if the user is wearing armor, not clothing. This perk could be either on the destruction tree, or divided between the heavy armor tree and the light armor tree (and then affect only that kind of armor, naturally).

>>>> Wall sections could do extra damage if you're adjacent to them (meaning you would be at the enemies melee range)

4. Another set of master level spells for destruction, replacing the first ones, that only use one hand to cast.

>>>> These could be powerful (not overkil) versions of the Novice spells, like "hellish flames", "vicious sparks" and "polar frostbite" (lol I suck at naming stuff.

>>>> The dual casting of these spells could have a terrible backlash on the caster, as he's supposed to have forsaken dual casting in order to be a battlemage.

>>>> Following that idea, there could be a twist in the original quest for the master destruction spells, where if you, instead of hitting the spellbook with a fire spell, hit it with a fire enchanted weapon, you get this set of spells instead of the regular one.


Please, sorry if I'm asking too much, but I feel these could be vital to the gaming experience of anyone who wants to go destruction/one handed.



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Destruction definitely needs an overhaul. I love using it, but it's so woefully underpowered that it's not worth using it, even when it's free through enchantments. It's more effective to simply heal/ward and hit with a sword than try and do damage, and that's pretty bad.


Personally, it'd be nice if there were Master-level versions of each type of magic, i.e. a long range "bolt" or "ball," a short range "gout" or "continuous stream," and an AoE spell. One-handed versions would be preferable, with a better boost from dual-casting. These could be balanced to for the situation they'd be used in.


I do like the idea of perks for cloaks/walls, though. If there's one for Runes, it 'd make sense for that too. At least to have that option.

Edited by PrometheusBound
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Personally, it'd be nice if there were Master-level versions of each type of magic, i.e. a long range "bolt" or "ball," a short range "gout" or "continuous stream," and an AoE spell. One-handed versions would be preferable, with a better boost from dual-casting. These could be balanced to for the situation they'd be used in.


While I find this a very appealing idea, I think it kind of takes away the whole point of even having other spells, you know? When you reached master level you'd never have to use your adept/expert/whatever spells again, meaning the other spells shouldn't even need a scaling component to them.


A mod like this could be really fun to have, but when playing seriously I wouldn't want it, I'd want the expert, adept, and apprentice spells to still be useful, getting gradually more power with time, showing my mastery over them. I also like the idea of spells from different levels being adequate for different kinds of situations (much like on D&D if you find yourself confrounted by a bunch of peasants you cast a lv 3 fireball on them, not a lv 9 meteor swarm).


The way master destruction spells are right now is actually pretty fine with me, except for dps, cast time, base damage and magicka use issues, but those are more technical than stylistical issues. As they are now, master destruction spells seem to be a really "primeval", "ritualistic" form of unleashing the elements (huge blasts and beams). I think that "primeval" trait would be preserved in my proposal, because the "gouts" are the first, the most basic form of destruction magic.

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Well, there's a mod in the works called 'Midas Magic'. Not really a complete overhaul, just an addition of new spells and such. They are pretty OP at the moment, but as it grows, I'm pretty sure the mod will be as pretty nice. I have used 'Midas Magic' mod for Oblivion and it was pure bliss, I hope it'll be better in Skyrim. I know it's not what you are looking for, but I suggest keeping an eye on that mod since it seems pretty cool.
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I've checked out that Midas Magic Mod, seems cool, not what I wanted, but it's def. a great gameplay improvement overall... I wish I could mod so that I could make a few changes to those spells and make them fill in the scaling gaps the ones on the game left!


PS.: very cool signature thingy, had to make one for me.

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I'm actually using destruction for a while, the only one problem is the first, disbalance on high levels, but nexus already had some fixes, here and here.


>>>> These could be powerful (not overkil) versions of the Novice spells, like "hellish flames", "vicious sparks" and "polar frostbite"

completely disagree. The damage of these spells just need to be increased on master level, nothing more, no additional spells (I hate spells menu garbaging) Edited by RFree
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completely disagree. The damage of these spells just need to be increased on master level, nothing more, no additional spells (I hate spells menu garbaging)



Are you saying that when you get to master level your other spells should be just be stronger because of the perks you got/etc. without any additional spells, or have I misunderstood your point?


I don't think my idea would "garbage" the spells menu, since I've suggested that these spells replaced the original master spells, so the number should be actually the same.


Besides, if we simply raised the damage on every spell in the game, we would still have master level spells with absolutely no use whatsoever for a battlemage character. My point in this whole thing is proposing a more immersive gameplay for people who want to role battlemages. Oblivion, if you look at it, had several character classes that were supposed to be like this, the destruction/one handed themed character is actually pretty common in medieval fantasy role playing, and it's been seriously neglected in Skyrim (it being a game where that could be really explored, unlike oblivion's crappy system that didn't even let you cast and slash at the same time).


Have you seen a single perk focused on that kind of character? There are spells that should work like that, but they're currently crappy and I'm sure no one would like to level destruction up to 100 just to cast cloaks and walls.


A much easier alternative to all the minor tweakings I've suggested (except for the master spells rearrangement to allow a coice between one handed powerful spells and dual-cast incredible spells for pure mages, which I still think it's absolutely necessary), would be the scaling and boosted damage (already done, I think!) altogether with a perk or a couple of perks that could go like:


"Strike and Cast" (on the one-handed tree. Again, I suck at names):

Damaging an enemy with spells has a chance to restore your stamina. Damaging an enemy with physical blows has a chance to restore your magicka

"Armor Conduit" (on the destruction tree):

Wearing a complete set of heavy or light armor gives you a bonus damage to all of your spells based on your skill with that kind of armor. (0.5/lv?, 0.33/lv? 0.25/lv?)


There could be backlashes to dual-wielding and dual-casting when you have the first perk. And there should also be a problem with the second one, to encourage the use of clothing for full mage characters. More magicka use per spell when benefiting from it? Any ideas?

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