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[LE] Editing Hearthfire Homes Question

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I'm trying to modify the interior of the Hearthfire homes to my liking. The problem is when you load it up the markers for all three possible rooms show up for all the side rooms. I am wondering how I can easily disable these rooms in the creation kit. For example, lets say I want to edit the armory. How would I disable the other two rooms without individually hiding each of the other items and without deleting the items in the other two rooms. Thanks for any assistance you can give!


- AirtightSpring

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I'm assuming the items you are talking about are upgrades to a home set to disabled until you have paid for them.

Then enabled after the buy script is completed ...


So ... some of them you will want to keep around (exp: opens up the room so you can enter it )

The other items you could just remove or set your items in the same way so you only see them when you have paid for the upgrade.


I'm not sure what you're asking here really ... You should be able to edit the armory without messing with the "other two rooms".

Maybe you just need to use the M key to toggle hide the markers ... Gonna need more info and I like pictures too ... ;)

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Thanks for the reply! I'll try to get some pictures when I get home to my computer with creation kit but basically what is happening is when I load up the vanilla cell for the house everything is loaded. For example, lets say I am looking at the right side of the house. Every item for all three possible upgrades is loaded in the creation kit. This makes it almost impossible to actually edit any of the individual rooms because every room and item that can possibly at some point be upgraded or bought by the player is loaded. Lets say I want to edit the kitchen. Doing so is very difficult when the armory is also present... So I guess my main question is, is there any way to disable the two rooms that I do not want to edit so I am just viewing one room per side of the house?

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