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Old style map


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Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the new 3D map that's in Skyrim, but I would like to at least have the option to choose the old style map that's been used in oblivion and both fallout games (the 2D straight down view). I'm pretty sure this can be done, considering there's probably hundreds of pictures of the skyrim map that comes with the game all over the internet. Just wondering if someone could mod the map to have it like it was back in the other games :)
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I really like this idea. It shouldn't be hard to do for those with the know-how. It'd also be a lot easier to use for navigation, actually, come to think of it. I was finding roads and passes in Morrowind and Oblivion all the time with the 2D map to get to my destination. Skyrim's vanilla map is really only good for basic direction-finding and dungeon navigation, and yeah. the street-view mod really is cool, but it hampers my exploration buzz (I don't play with a compass or fast-travel.)
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