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TESCS: Lost meshes, textures and icons from Shivering Isles


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That's it. i don't know what happened and what i've done wrong, but now all the meshes and icons from SI are no more visible in the mod. (and even in game) Probably a bad save, or a corrupted file. Even loading "MYMOD.esp" as a master file together with "DLCShiveringIsles.esp" doesn't restore all the lost things. Is there a way to get them back into the mod?


Oh, by the way, i'm sorry if this is not the correct section to post requests like this, but the fact is that there's no section directly related with TESCS and its problems, i hope i'm not going too-off section :rolleyes:

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I had the same problem when I was messing with a house mod. I deleted a fog texture that was being used and all of the sudden I got the yellow exclamation of doom wherever said fog texture was present. It was very frustrating trying to track down the culprit, which I found later was the aforementioned house mod.


To this day I still don't know why it did it. I can only assume it was because the esp was loading last and as I had deleted the texture, the game read it as missing.



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It might have happened as a result of doing anything with the DLCShiveringIsles.esp. The DLCShiveringIsles.esp should not be loaded in the CS, or altered in any way. It is essentially an empty .esp that just allows the .BSA archives to work properly within the game. Unfortunately it is needed to see anything SI related in the CS, which was one of those big mistakes bethsoft made when they released the expansion. The best solution I've found was to just extract all the SI resources from the BSAs into your data folder. Or atleast just the meshes and textures. This way nothing additional needs to be loaded in the CS when making SI based mods, and issues like this are less likely to occur.


Extracting from the BSAs will also fix any ingame errors which are based on those files.

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