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Marriageable Sapphire


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Yeh, but if they do that.. wouldn't the normal married tones from the other npc's overide her b*tchyness?


I heard they do that for Lydia if you marry her via console.


I would not mind marrying her, but then she will just become like the rest of them..


"Good to see you love"


"Do you need anything Love?"


"Goodbye Love!"


AH! That just runes the whole Sappihire image!


If the modding gods can have different voice overs, and dialoges then DAMN! I'll be endorcing until my finger bleeds! ;)

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Yeh, but if they do that.. wouldn't the normal married tones from the other npc's overide her b*tchyness?


I heard they do that for Lydia if you marry her via console.


I would not mind marrying her, but then she will just become like the rest of them..


"Good to see you love"


"Do you need anything Love?"


"Goodbye Love!"


AH! That just runes the whole Sappihire image!


If the modding gods can have different voice overs, and dialoges then DAMN! I'll be endorcing until my finger bleeds! ;)


I guess so, but stil lol in my opinion she is the hottest in skyrim!

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