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Show remaining time left for buffs in HUD


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I have looked everywhere for a mod like this, not sure if its been suggested i searched and found nothing, i apologize if it is.


I would really love to have some sort of small timer on the top of my screen that says how much time is left on my buffs. Im trying out this mage build and I basically rely on dragonhide and without it i have like 50 armor so I die if I dont recast when it runs out. I suppose I could used to the time but it would be so much easier to just have a timer for buffs like every other game in the world. It would help a lot for alchemists as well to know when their potions are running out. Im sure there are others who agree with me. Not sure if its difficult or not and if it can be done without a creation kit, but just putting it out there.


Thanks =]

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