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Liberation of Skyrim fix?


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So I am doing the stormcloaks side of the civil war and got to the Compelling Tribute quest and it said to find evidence and I did not want to do sneaking so I forgot about it and did the main questline. I gave Markarth to the Stormcloaks and finished the main questline. Deciding on what to do next I decided on finishing the Civil War. I went to Ulfric and had no options to further the questline so I got confused and checked my quests. The Liberate the Reach part was filled in, the Compelling Tribute quest was done but still at the Find Evidence part and the entire Reach Stormcloak camp was gone and Galmar had no options for the quests either. I want to continue and have searched EVERYWHERE to find a solution but found nothing. I found something from April of last year on someone with the same problem but no response. So how do you fix this? I really wanted to make my character a nord stormcloak and have had this character for a while and done so much. I don't want to not be able to finish the civil war for him.

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